Monthly Archive for August, 2009

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Minutes for August 7, 2009

Attendance: 18 (and 37 thetans)

Meeting Start: 10:00 and 15 pieces of shrapnel later

Meeting End: 10:25 and I’m gonna go eat



Recruitment and Relations: Ashley brought her imaginary friend. Elly is also here. Erik brought John and Chris?

Office Resource: The office is still there. Bought Twilight Emperium, Tsuro, and Apples to Apples. Apples to Apples is gone for the night.

Movie: Zombieland was absolutely amazing. Bad movie is Attack of the Mushroom People.

Trivia: Fluffy has trivia. Which Mel Brooks movie was Patrick Stewart in? Fluffy still has trivia. Maybe. We have no idea what’s going on.

Fundraising: AWOL.

Party: Are we not having the reunion?

Discussion Group: Will be going to Steak and Shake.

No Report: Erik found a necklace that’s a bottle cap with a smiley face.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: AWOL.

Constable: AWOL.

Com Officer: Took a scientologist stress test. Figured out how to manipulate the test. Also living with psychology club in a shack.

Grand Nagus: Planning on stealing the money because there’s so little.

First Officer: Went to Panera Beard and got sourdough.

Captain: Doesn’t care.

Old Business

  • Zombiefest is on the way.
  • Rocky Horror ticket sign-ups are still on the door.

New Business


Other Organizations



Jon: You just put 4chan in my news! GTFO.

Phil: I mean… these people stalk. There’s nothing wrong with it.

Erik: Do you remember what happened the last time the British tried to repress the Irish? William Wallace, bitch!
Chris: You still lost.

Phil: Why are you not wearing shoes?
Chris: Why are you wearing glasses?

Chris: What happened to the guy that sits there? Did he graduate?
Adam: No, he’s just a loser.
Jon: I even owe him money and he didn’t even show up.