Attendance: 8
Meeting Start: Call this meeting to order and WTF?
Meeting End: Closed in 19 minutes, continued to S’n'S and stuff.
Recruitment and Relations: We still suck at this. Our 2 highest officers aren’t showing up.
Office Resource: The office is still there. Maybe. Liz is ninja. We got a little off track.
Movie: Wanye’s World. Skits. LOLZ.
Trivia: Bill: Who was the second Blue Beetle? Answer: Ted Cord. Joel got it.
Fundraising: Stuff.
Party: Stuff.
Constitution Reform Committee: Stuff.
Discussion Group: S’n'S
No Report: Ryan: Plan dubstep followed by stuffing things in zebra’s brains. No report.
Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Worked overtime, Mutants & Masterminds, came up with comedians who would be great in Batman roles. No clix.
Constable: Yay! Reset computer to factory default because it went ape shit and is now trying to get everything back on it.
Com Officer: She broke. Didn’t lick a seat and totally is NOT a liar.
Grand Nagus: Been sick, pretty sweet sinus stuffs, going to plan a D&D session for a class, D&D group fought cacti, including the non-sentient ones.
First Officer: Not here again.
Captain: Also not here again.
Old Business
Zombiefest is on the way.
New Business
Other Organizations
MCS on Friday.
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