Attendance: 10 (emphatically)
Meeting Start: 10:00 pm and I don’t have an and.
Meeting End: 10:21 and food
Recruitment and Relations: Nichole was brought. Yay Nichole!
Office Resource: The office is still there.
Movie: Ryan rambled about Kamen Rider Forze The Movie. Once again, no one knew what he was talking about.
Trivia: Joel: What is the subtitle to the second Space Balls movie? Answer: Space Balls: The Quest for More Money. Ryan Craig got it.
Fundraising: Money
Party: Nope
Constitution Reform Committee: Nope
Discussion Group: S’n'S
No Report: Ashley had a student that didn’t come to class on Wednesday or Friday because she got arrested for a DUI. No Report.
Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Put shelves up, took them down, put them back up, organizing DVDs and is on F after 3 hours of work, worked
Constable: Determined he needs a “what” button at work to be happy, please find him one.
Com Officer: Dad is in hospital, star wars funness at work.
Grand Nagus: Still working on “that” game, unproductive meeting, found new sandwich recipe involving waffles, bacon, apple sauce and veggie chips
First Officer: She did stuff but not real stuff, stood out in the rain for an hour waiting for the library to open, Tuesday was a day of fail
Captain: Has Andy’s book
Old Business
Zombiefest is on the way.
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