Attendance: 9
Meeting Start: Its 10:00 and I call this meeting to order
Meeting End: Called to a close at I don’t know time it is (it was 10:32)
Recruitment and Relations: Sign the log time!
Office Resource: The office is still there.
Movie: Episodes of Poirot. It was awesome.
Trivia: Joel: What did chancellor Gorkon refer to when talking about the “undiscovered country”? Answer: The Future. No one got it.
Fundraising: We’re trying to find it. Stay tuned for more info.
Constitution Reform Committee:
Discussion Group: S’n'S
No Report: Ryan Power Rangers Mega Force. Something about angels but suits for some reason. I have no idea what he’s talking about so I just started singing to myself in my head. Op-op-op-op. Oppan Gangnam Style! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Sexy Lady. No Report.
Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Worked, Tilted Kilt, Clix Star Trek sealed, painted nails, made new D&D Character
Constable: Keep being unexpected in charge, doesn’t like it
Com Officer: Worked a lot, tire issues, bed is really comfy, got to play with Vice Pallet (omgsquee)
Grand Nagus: First D&D session of new campaign, is hiding things from the players, rock/paper/scissors game should be ready for testing soon
First Officer: Cut off all her hair, watched star trek, fell out of lofted bed and is going to murder her dragonscale floor
Captain: Not here
Old Business
Zombiefest is on the way.
New Business
Liz is now the First Officer! Wahoo!
Other Organizations
MCS is Friday. B-Con needs to be shifted. 2 weeks after Spring Break!
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