Monthly Archive for February, 2011

Minutes for 23 February 2011

Attendance: 13

Meeting Start: 10, with an airhorn

Meeting End: 10:23



Recruitment and Relations: Hardly anyone is here.

Office Resource: The office is still there. And the scary bird trophy is in there.

Movie: Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
Things I learned from this movie:
- Horses hibernate in the winter
- Rainbows are capable of reaching escape velocity (Phil: Of course. They’re light.)
- Earth’s ice ages were caused by political turmoil on another planet.

Trivia: Rachel: What does lembus resemble from Lord of the Rings? Answer: Cram. Erik got it.

Fundraising: $2.16. Buy more stuff!

Party: B-CON is on March 5th. Student center basement. Be there or be square!
End of year party is coming so bring us money!

Constitution Reform Committee: Club voted on last week’s proposed amendment, and was passed.

Discussion Group:

No Report: Fluffy: I have a virus on my computer. Phil: That’s because of all the porn.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Last weekend was the Souza concert. 18 pieces, 3 hour rehearsals for two days before the actual concert.

Constable: Bought Bullet Storm, and you get extra points for shooting someone in the dick, so it’s awesome. Cooler than he expected. Works with incompetent people.

Com Officer: Been sick for the past few days, looking forward to solid food again. And energy, to start pilates!

Grand Nagus: Absent.

First Officer: Didn’t have to play smelly fuckin Gary. Been watching Dr. Who every day.

Captain: Cleaned out 43 rat cages and they were disgusting because no one ever does clean them- the rats don’t live long enough for anyone to care. “Procrastinating hard.”

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

The amendment has passed.

Other Organizations


Erik: Stop with all the donkey porn!

Rachel: My mouth is still sore.
Elly: Ha. That’s what she said.
Phil: Yes, she just said it.
Erik: *BAP* How DARE you insult That’s What She Said?

Minutes for 16 February 2011

Attendance: 18

Meeting Start: 10:01

Meeting End: 10:37



Recruitment and Relations: Anton and Phil are now friends on Facebook. Yay?

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Space Mutiny
- Disney’s last words were “Saran wrap.”
- Paintball armor can protect you from lasers
- Nothing gets a woman’s juices flowing like the feeling of real authentic imitation astroturf under her back

Trivia: Bill: Name the four members of the Doom Control. Answer: whatever… Rachel got it.

Fundraising: ?

Party: B CON

Constitution Reform Committee: Amendment II proposed: Vote on things immediately rather than many meetings later. Passed by exec. Club members will vote at the next meeting.

Discussion Group:

No Report: Sarah S. found a roommate for next year and her name it Sarah too.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Religious studies class is giving her grief, the teacher argues with her about everything and dissed Star Trek.

Constable: Couldn’t get a new game because he had to pay for cable. Got cheese for Valentine’s Day!

Com Officer: Been teaching more… had some crazy days lately. Puke-o-rama in the classroom last week, lesson about the water cycle today that she has to watch the video from, and behavior problems galore. Good news: found out that she is not only endorsed for English, but also social studies! And 2 credits away from science.

Grand Nagus: Officially hates someone! Has tried to be civil with this person all year, and they pushed her over the line. She yelled “Fuck you” down the hallway and the person told her, “We can hear you in here,” and Sarah replied, “I don’t care this will be in the Scout anyway.”

First Officer: Something about a video game.

Captain: He kind of skipped it.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations


*Specific disorder* Nerds-related (the candy… haha)

Bill: I’d rather lose to Rachel than Smelly Fuckin Gary.
Elly: I love his nicknames for people.
Rachel: Smelly Gary?
Elly: Smelly Fuckin Gary.
Rachel: Oh. Well I honestly don’t think he fucks.

Minutes for 9 February 2011

Attendance: 20

Meeting Start: 10 and la cu ca racha

Meeting End:



Recruitment and Relations: People are here, and they are signing the log book!

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Galaxy of Terror
Things I Learned from this Movie:
- Never put a banshee in a washing machine
- The only thing better than wearing a seatbelt is wearing a blonde wearing a seatbelt.

Trivia: Bill: I missed it but it doesn’t matter because no one got it. Bill still has it.

Fundraising: Time to vote for the creepy bird trophy!
Winner of the Weirdest Thing Award: Cthulhurotica, purchased by Ashley.

Party: B-CON is coming up, weekend before spring break. Give us more money.

Constitution Reform Committee: Things will happen soon!

Discussion Group:

No Report:

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Played WOW over our many snow days. Sat in the wrong seat at a concert by mistake and a lady came up and yelled at her. Played Hero Clix and beat Gary.

Constable: All mixed up from snow days. Woke up today and didn’t know what day it was. It’s really cold… that’s taking up a lot of his attention lately. Saw True Grit, thought it was pretty true to the original.

Com Officer: Been student teaching 2nd graders, who are probably the most selective hearers ever. Did nothing but watch movies and drink spiked hot cocoa last week over the snow days. Oh, and made a Jabba the Hut snowman last Wednesday in honor of Psi Phi.

Grand Nagus: Student senate stuff… Treasurer left.

First Officer: Watched a lot of movies over snow days. Prince of Darkness was really good. Creative writing is still going really well, got to read a story in class today.

Captain: Three snow days. Don’t day drink for too long. Like 10 hours. 10 hours is too long.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Bill found three autographed Star Wars photos, so he wants to get frames for them to hang in the office.
Jon wants to move that Texas be an enemy of Psi Phi. Passed.
Motion to exclude Arlan, Texas. Passed.

Other Organizations

Anton: Skeptics, the discussion group of intellectual conversations, is held on Mondays at 8pm in Bradley Hall 125.
Author of Redwall books died.


Erik: I’m so tired of waiting when I want to drive drunk!! GOD!

Phil: John got his appendix out, it was a sad day.
John: I still can’t find it.
Elly: You mean they didn’t let you keep it in a jar?
John: No! They wouldn’t let me have it.
Jeremy: It’s biological waste!
Erik: So is poop, but they don’t take that away from you!

Phil: Did you just nudge me? That’s so weird!

Erik: My friend made a snowman out of tits.
Elly: Out of tits? Like, he ripped them off of people, and…
Erik: No, like snow tits. Made tits out of snow.

Sarah: He resigned, because, as my friend put it, he just couldn’t finish…

Phil: I am a wizard and I have a weak constitution.
Erik: That, and you were drinking from a handle of $8 vodka.

Erik: One time last summer my cousin asked me if something was Facebook official and I threw a rock at her.

Minutes for 26 January 2011

Attendance: 15

Meeting Start: 10:00 and where is everyone?

Meeting End: ?



Recruitment and Relations: No one’s here and neither is the log book.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: The Spirit (2008)

Trivia: Joel: What is the name of the elite pilotanit in Star Trek? Answer: Dick Massage. Bill was awarded honorary win. (Real answer was Red Squadron.)

Fundraising: Since 12-7, we’ve made $31.15

Party: Give us money.

Discussion Group:

No Report: Jon: Had a job interview with League of Legends and got a job offer– he gets to hang out in LA, play LOL and lurk on 4 chan.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Teacher thinks Pekin is hell. Secretary was a complete bitch. Played Hero

Constable: Played Angry Birds… Bears lost, it was sad. Hates waking up at 8:15. Friend is taking a pirate class. Taking piano for adults.

Com Officer: Not here.

Grand Nagus: Not here either!

First Officer: Creative writing class is awesome “Women, for some reason.” Played Descent and Hero Clix and DoD Source and listened to Aquabats “High-Five Soup.”

Captain: School with homework, going to get religious studies minor or chem minor. Feels weight of world.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Joel proposes formation of Constitution Reform Committee to get rid of by-laws. Seconded by Bill, passed.

Other Organizations
