Monthly Archive for April, 2011

Minutes for 27 April 2011

Attendance: 23

Meeting Start: 10:01 and full attendance!

Meeting End: 10:39



Recruitment and Relations: Sarah S brought boyfriend Zack and friend Josh!

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Wizards
Things I Learned:
- Bruce Lee was half elf.
- Ticks come in three sizes: Small, Very Tiny, and Wooly Mammoth.
52 mins- Good idea. Her nipples already stick out enough; if she gets any colder, they might cut a hole in the fabric of reality.

Trivia: Joel: What sign to sirens use as a code in New Battlestar Galactica? Answer: All Along the Watchtower. Andrew got it.

Fundraising: Give us money.

Party: May be happening next Tuesday.

Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S&S, food, whatever.

No Report: Andrew: Monday I was Superman.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: It was Easter=family gathering=games=beating everyone. Got a response on an potential internship, and they should give an answer on Friday! Last flute lesson ever this morning!

Constable: Multiple dapple offenses: Wearing boots, stripes, or the same shirt as him. Got Portal 2. Had a job interview last week, so he had to shave and cut his hair so he doesn’t look like a hobo anymore.

Com Officer: Got a job!! Working on an interview portfolio for a class (pointless, yes) and apartment hunting.

Grand Nagus: Going to miss everyone!

First Officer:


Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Nominations for next semester:
Chief of Operations:


Communications Officer:

Grand Nagus:
Andrew H


Motion to promote singing in falsetto to a permanently bappable offense
Amendment to motion: Excluding “I believe in a thing called love” and Queen in all forms.
Motion passed

Other Organizations

Nerf Commandos is dead


Phil: XBox is looking for a PR specialist. Imagine that, getting to play with toys all day. That would actually be like being a gynecologist. It would ruin you.

Erik: Make a motion that we watch fucking Robo-Cop!
Phil: Fucking Robo-Cop sounds like a porno. *Electric screwdriver sounds* OUT OF LUBRICATION.

Rachel: I was creaming everyone.
Erik: Terrible verb choice…
Phil: She was creaming her entire family.

Erik: Is falsetto really such an offense?
Elly: I just think we need more reasons to bap people.

Minutes for 20 April 2011

Attendance: 10

Meeting Start: 10:01

Meeting End: 10:27 and bye everyone



Recruitment and Relations: No new people.

Office Resource: The office is still there, hopefully.

Movie: Terror Beneath the Sea
Things I Learned:
- If you want to make a girl happy, just hand her a telephone.


Fundraising: Give $$ directly!!

Party: May 3rd at 6pm

Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group:

No Report: Andrew: Text a dirty word to 27126 “America ____”

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Lots of driving, last concert at Bradley


Com Officer:

Grand Nagus:

First Officer: Dr. Who soon, his mom got married

Captain: Didn’t do shit, bio test tomorrow and other work

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations
