Monthly Archive for September, 2011

Minutes from 28 September 2011

Attendance: 12

Meeting Start: 10:00 and 3 minutes late

Meeting End: 10:28 and no longer 3 minutes late



Recruitment and Relations: There is no one here. DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS Shack-a-thon

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Next month is Blacksploitation month. Watched Bushwacked.

Trivia: Bill: What is Black Adam’s real name? Answer: Teth-Adam. Joel got it



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: I have nothing to say. No Report. -Fluffy

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Coworker had trouble with a toilet.

Constable: Not here :(

Com Officer: Went to see some shows, insulted a kraken, internship stuff

Grand Nagus: Used paper towels for a project and they didn’t burn, so he put it in the bathtub

First Officer: Went to a college party. It was fun.

Captain: Watched 2nd ep of MLP and Castle. Swung dance, got faced smashed in all day Sunday, and nursing sucks.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations

MCS on Friday at 5.
Nerf Commandos tomorrow at 10 in Markin.


Minutes from 21 September 2011

Attendance: 16 and 2 imaginary internets

Meeting Start: 10:30 and 0 working netbooks

Meeting End: 10:35 and a head full of woodsmoke



Recruitment and Relations: April is not here :-(

Office Resource: The office is still there. Star Wars has been borrowed.

Movie: Doctor Who episode.
hehe Sonic Vibrator
OMG Something took out the Doctor. We’re all doomed.
Yeah, that’s right. The Doctor and Sarah Jane are headed for the biggest bang in history.

Trivia: Bant: What is the name of the Ship that Morpheus commands in the Matrix Answer: The nebeccanezer



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Fluffy: Got a job at Motorola and will be following people around for work. No Report. (Literal quotation. Fluffy kept No Report to 2 sentences)

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Profiling, rice flavored drinks and Jamaican flavored drinks with Artificial Jamaican Flavor, buying board games soon

Constable: Got warts frozen off, is now in student senate, physics

Com Officer: PETTED A PENGUIN and won tickets to PSO

Grand Nagus: did project stuff with no free time to be free, octopus made of wire

First Officer: bought X-MEN First Class, Thor, and Complete Star Wars saga on Blu-ray

Captain: In band, but not really, concert got cancelled and he didn’t know, won at J4F at Hero Clix, watched Weeping Angels and MLP:FIS

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations

MCS on Friday at 5
Nerf Commandos. Check the Facebook. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 pm Markin performance court


Minutes for 14 September 2011

Attendance: 2, 5, 9, 14, 15

Meeting Start: 10:03 and I’m a little late

Meeting End: 10:34 and I’m so done with this meeting



Recruitment and Relations: Hi I’m April

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Squirm

Trivia: Bant-Star Wars ep 1, what is Sabulba’s race? Answer-A dug. No one got it



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Ross is crazy. No Report

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Played Jenga, found typo, 35% less fart not fat

Constable: not here

Com Officer: Internship stuffs, called people to let them know they will be receiving a phone call, started watching a K-drama (lord help us all)

Grand Nagus: Phone Broke, new phone with swype, SCC came to class and it sucked

First Officer: Completed second round of rush and is now Theta Chi

Captain: Thinks about high school english teacher because of Nursing, hard to lead discussion on topics that no one else understands

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations

MCS on Friday at 5


Minutes for 7 September 2011

Attendance: 24

Meeting Start: 10:01 and all the lights are on

Meeting End: 10:32 and no sexual harassment charges later



Recruitment and Relations: More names for the log book.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Main theme (aptly dubbed Copkillers on the prairie)…“I will discover the sunshine not rain!” Good for cop killing? I think so.
Apparently you cannot get a cold shower in Mexico.
6 shooters have infinite bullets. Shotguns, however, do not.
Cops can’t hear you if you’re under a car.
An ice cream truck is more maneuverable than a motorcycle.
I wish this movie had more action and less awkward yelling.
Do cocaine off a hotel room bible, it’ll do you good.

Trivia: Emily: First person Smeagol ever killed. Answer: Deagol. Jeremy got it.

Fundraising: Give monies

Party: There will be one

Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Sarah: Dropped her ID in her steering wheel and couldn’t get to it easily.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Leaving TRU, has an awesome grandpa, went to family stuff with Rachel

Constable: Quit Com Choir, has a test tomorrow, and has bike with no bike lock

Com Officer: Internship lolz, answers the phone a lot and doesn’t have a lot of supervision

Grand Nagus: Has a class in the parking deck

First Officer: Rushing…eeeeeewww…and is in film appric

Captain: Has to go to other people Practicums for his Practicum, Markin hates him, watched someone pass out

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations

MCS on Friday at 5
Nerf soon


General whining about Brian aka Fluffy’s No Report.

Minutes for 31 August 2011

Attendance: 23

Meeting Start: Oh, 10 0 1/2 and 84 popsicles

Meeting End: 10:35 and about half as many popsicles as before



Recruitment and Relations: NEW MEMBERS!

Office Resource: The office is still there. Maybe.

Movie: Don’t go in the House
“Come in to see mother.” The worst pickup line in history.
Oh 70’s fashion, its so passé.
Puns. So. Many. Puns. Ooh look! LEOPARD PRINT BOOTY!
So I gave that bitch a candle to the face. Bitches love candles to the face.
Ok, he’s on fire and can open a door, but can’t stop, drop, and roll? Some priest he is.

Trivia: Phil: What was the name that Aragorn took when ascending to the throne of Gondor. Answer: Elessar Emily got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Erik: For the last week or so, thinking about getting a game. PC or XBox. Got it on PC. Tried to log in and Ubisoft is down. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Played Heroclix and didn’t beat Gary

Constable: Junior is going to be hard for him, had to read 4 ch. is physics, 4 ch. in genetics, can’t use punent squares, reading a book in religious studies about orientalism and has no extra time.

Com Officer: Going to graduate, finally, went to a bridal show, has to readjust wedding budget.

Grand Nagus: Stuff and a mac, with stuff.

First Officer: BANT was voted into office! Keeping up with classes and looking up movie news.

Captain: Now knows his whole schedule and has an education teacher who is insane.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Nominees for 1st Officer: Bant (seconded by Bill), Patrick (seconded by Adam), and Michael (seconded by Adam)

Other Organizations

MCS is on Friday at 5:00.
Fencing on Tuesday.
Swing dancing on Sundays and they need more boys.


Erik: The goiter is full of crazy.

Phil- Make it a hipster wedding, everyone gets a Polaroid camera.

Bant: (while giving his speech to be 1st officer) I’ve had leadership roles before.