Monthly Archive for October, 2011


October 29th 11:00-11:00 BAK B54! BE THERE!

Minutes from 27 October 2011

Attendance: I think we have 12 and maybe 2i

Meeting Start: 10:01 and cartoons aside

Meeting End: 10:35 and no Long Island Iced Teas later



Recruitment and Relations: no one is here. we barely have quorum

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Dolemite – 1975
Why is everything so close to the camera?
Everyone in this movie is “acting”
Wait, what the hell just happened? THE BAD ACTING IS TOO DAMN DISTRACTING!
God, who thought that looked good? Fuck the 70s
The boom mike should be a major character in this movie
35 and 1 donkey

Trivia: Bill: Who built the Metal Men? Answer: Professor Will Magnus. No one got it

Fundraising: Give monies


Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Joel: Profiled bag a spaghetti noodles, 5 lbs, 59 noodle serving size, 40 servings. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Hero clix, work started second shift and it’s a “clusterfuck”

Constable: had tests, something about a chump change sign

Com Officer: Had an absolutely fabulous week until yesterday.

Grand Nagus: watched old boring Doctor Who, went wind sailing in Walgreen’s parking lot

First Officer: getting into FMA, bought blu-rays and is a poozer

Captain: doesn’t really remember, played stroke charades, and caused panic

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Motion to have meeting even when quorum is reached, but no motions may be passed. Seconded by Phil. Passed

Other Organizations

MCS and NERF? Maybe?


Minutes from 19 October 2011

Attendance: 12 and i

Meeting Start: 10:01 and my watch is 4 minutes slow

Meeting End: 10:34 and Rachel’s computer is not off



Recruitment and Relations: Where is every body.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Tomorrow 7:00 Ghostbusters at the Rave
The Black Street Fighter 1976
I can’t tell if he’s drunk or just really hip.
There is professional street fighting? AND THERE ARE RULES?!
I want to hear more about these stable boys.
Why did you blow him up? He just wanted some of your Kit-Kat!
Saying “white trash” is so passé

Trivia: Bant: What does the DeLorean run on? Answer: Gasoline. Bill got it. God help us all.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Sarah: BU now has a frequent masturbatory club. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Birthday, work stuff, DHL are wizards

Constable: Not here

Com Officer: internship lols

Grand Nagus: looked up historical things, woman got charged with cupcake abuse, watched Doctor Who, and other stuff

First Officer: Parents came down, then did nothing

Captain: Hung out with nurses, will do again soon, having fun online and banging it out in 15 mins

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations



Minutes from 12 October 2011

Attendance: 17 and 2 imaginary

Meeting Start: 10:01 and -382 Neutrons

Meeting End: 10:30 and 3 1/2 Long Island Iced Teas later



Recruitment and Relations: Ryan gets to sign the log book and 2 other new people

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Lady Cocoa 1975
N-count 0
H-count 0
I hope I never get called a “hot piece of cheese.”
Oh sweet Jesus, this is an awesome theme song. It’s a funky version of Pop Goes the Weasel
SINISTER WEASEL! With a cubano beat

Trivia: Joel: Designated to Ryan. Ryan: Designated to Adam, Adam: Designated to Joel. Joel: What is the name of the Romulan secret intelligence force? Answer: the Talshiar. Phil got it (kinda sorta)



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Joel: Bill was profiling a tray of cookies (16 oz.) 1 oz serving size, 7 cookies per serving. 16 servings. No more than 42 cookies in the tray. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Not here

Constable: BOW wearing a hat in doors. Double weekend duty, tours, Peoria is a shit hole, and had a physics test.

Com Officer: Went to go see Man or Astro-man? (statement not a question) and saw a Tesla Coil.

Grand Nagus: Watched Doctor Who

First Officer: Went home, saw Real Steel, and enjoyed it

Captain: Been ignoring work, needs to catch up, watched a webenar, it was essentially Sesame Street

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Howl-zoo-ween. Away Mission? Get a hold of Andrew or Rachel

Other Organizations

MCS and NERF. HvZ is going again next week.


Ryan: I used to be a tall Russian man.

Minutes from 5 October 2011

Attendance: Phil tells me it’s 12. I hope he can count.

Meeting Start: 10:01 and there are not enough people here

Meeting End: 10: and 40….minutes



Recruitment and Relations: APRIL IS HERE with a smiley face!

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Blacksploitation month! The Black Gestapo
9+1 donkey

Trivia: Joel: As of the latest chronological episode of Star Trek (DS9), who is the leader of the Klingons? Answer: Martok No one got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: No one’s here. No report. -Joel

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Costume is almost done, didn’t play M&M, Superman sealed, killed a moose, and trained new people

Constable: Tests, and people were retarded, might have pink eye

Com Officer: Got a super crazy call today at work

Grand Nagus: Started watching the “reboot” of Doctor Who, doesn’t like RTD, has a presentation, and art project due tomorrow

First Officer: Went home, watched Doctor Who, and homework

Captain: watched kung pow, watched Doctor Who, and presentation to be given Monday

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations

