Monthly Archive for November, 2011

Minutes from 16 November 2011

Attendance: 9

Meeting Start: 10:05 and one rebellion later

Meeting End: 10:25 and 2 rebellions later



Recruitment and Relations: This meeting is super tiny and is almost invalid.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Viking

Trivia: Willy Wonka: What did you just forget about? Doctor Who wise? Answer: The Silence. Joel got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Expletive the SAO. No Report. -Joel

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Sick

Constable: Loserface

Com Officer: Internship blowing up lolz

Grand Nagus: Mobile app, not done, whining, more emphatic whining.

First Officer: Loserface and date rape

Captain: Saw family because of concert, all 4 of them have the same mannerisms, silly something or other involving sticky

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations



Minutes from 9 November 2011

Attendance: 11

Meeting Start: 10:02 and a William Shatner Album later

Meeting End: 10:30 and 58 seconds



Recruitment and Relations: Where the expletive is everyone?

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Disco Godfather – 1979

Trivia: Bahnt: Name Cabel’s real name. Answer: Nathan Dayspring Nasani-san Summers

Fundraising: Give monies


Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Sarah: On Monday, I was so sick that I threw up so much that I was super dehydrated. No Report

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Woot-off yesterday, got good deals, played clix and played cheese and finished Duke Nukem.

Constable: He’s actually here, got too drunk, threw up/dry-heaved for 9 hours, yadda yadda whining

Com Officer: Now has William Shatner’s new cd (and its AWESOME!) and this weather is killing her

Grand Nagus: did stuff

First Officer: Threw a party and it was fun, gave blood, something Theta Chi

Captain: Finished stuff that was supposed to be done earlier, and saw awesome story about small children trick-or-treating.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Rachel motions that Shatner become an honorary member, Adam seconds. 9 Aye 1 obstain 1 Nay (neigh). Passed

Other Organizations

MCS, APO is having a big charity event, Saturday 6-9 pm for Charity Water


Minutes from 2 November 2011

Attendance: I think we have quorum.

Meeting Start: 10:02 and probably $3.50 of juju powers later

Meeting End: 10:5 and an Abraham Lincoln zombie Caligula



Recruitment and Relations: Where the hell is everyone?

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Slasher
This bitch has to die. She’s wearing a tube top in the shower…
HEY GUYS! I FOUND THIS SWEET COIN! Oh yeah, there’s a body, too.
Yes, blame it all on D&D and scavenger hunts.

Trivia: Bill: Which Friday the 13th movie does Jason get his mask? Answer: 3rd. Bahnt got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n;S

No Report: Anton: Got BF3, was skeptical but I’ve played nothing but. No Report

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Zombiefest, Firehouse, DnD, Japan stuff and 2nd shift sucks.

Constable: Not here :(

Com Officer: No more hooks and is sick

Grand Nagus: Did some stuff, mostly stuff, zombiefest

First Officer: Party was fun, went as Indy

Captain: Spent most of today doing work from last 3 weeks, got it done, and a site told him it was 11% plagiarized

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations

