Monthly Archive for December, 2011

Minutes from 6 December 2011

Attendance: 10 :(

Meeting Start: Midnight, I don’t care past then.

Meeting End: 12:30



Recruitment and Relations: We suck at this

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: American Psycho. It’s awesome.

Trivia: Ryan: Where are the Tree cat originate from? Answer: The Hatterton series. Kelty got it.


Party: We’re at it!

Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: NOPE!

No Report: Ryan: Working a call center and attracts retarded people who can’t do math.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Joel destroyed my car, been listening to MOTU podcast, clix, blah blah blah

Constable: Not here (not surprised)

Com Officer: Had the crappiest day ever, but there was snow and baking so it was ok

Grand Nagus: video game has a release date, March 23rd @ Late Nite BU

First Officer: Not here

Captain: Didn’t have internet, lugged desktop to student center basement, got in through dubious means, sat and durred at the computer once internet was back

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Chief of Operations: Rachel noms Bill, Bill seconds, Andrew noms Evil Bill, April seconds
Constable: Bill noms phil, kelty seconds, Joel noms himself, Kelty seconds
Com Officer: Joel noms Rachel, every else seconded
Grand Nagus: Kelty noms Andrew, Rachel seconds
1st Officer: Bill noms April, Rachel seconds, Andrew noms Sarah, Kelty seconds
Captain: Bill noms Phil, Kelty seconds, Joel noms Erich, Andrew seconds

Other Organizations




The end of the year party will take place on Tuesday December 6 at 7:00 pm in the Harper/Wycoff Game Room! Pizza! Movies! Games! Fun!

Minutes from 30 November 2011

Attendance: 10

Meeting Start: 10:02 and we need more members

Meeting End: 10:25 and more worthless later



Recruitment and Relations: We need more people

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Getting Lucky

Trivia: Joel: President Calvin Coolidge is known as Silent Cal. Answer: You lose. Ryan Craig got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Ryan Culp: Joel has trivia. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations:


Com Officer: Stuff for a gig.

Grand Nagus: Uuuuuhhh I had a medium amount of turkey, was sick, played some game I’ve never heard of.

First Officer: Went Black Friday shopping for the first time and got stuff and then nothing interesting

Captain: Had a week and a half off, got nothing done, but it’s ok, his mom is awesome, and did karaoke

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations

