Monthly Archive for January, 2012

Minutes from 25 January 2012



Recruitment and Relations: We suck at this. Still

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Doctor Detroit and 555

Trivia: Rachel: never got back to it



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Kelty: Set the room back up or we lose it. No Report

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: No hero clix, but still hero clix, wow bull

Constable: Is constable again, constitution is now null and void

Com Officer: No caffeine, wedding stuff, and brad tries

Grand Nagus: something about something, couldn’t follow

First Officer: Phil is “teaching” her “bio” this semester, and has to take “quizzes”

Captain: Has to know physics but is not learning it, physics class lolz

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Nominate Lance Hendriksen as an honorary member, seconded by Joel. Unanimously approved.

Other Organizations



Minutes from 18 January 2012

Attendance: 8

Meeting Start: 10:06 and I’m not going to be captain later

Meeting End: 10:31 and a half and 1/3 of a ten-thousandeth of an inch



Recruitment and Relations: We’re bad at this

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Rants about Big Band Theory

Trivia: Kelty: What Star Trek actor had a lazy day? Answer: Leonard Nimoy. Rachel got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group:

No Report: Stuff about Sherlock Holmes. No Report. -Ryan

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations:

Constable: How I Met Your Mother, taking the MCAT in April, and built things

Com Officer: wedding stuff and 3D Beauty and the Beast and SOPA sucks

Grand Nagus: Watched Doctor Who, SOPA Protest, got recruited into Winds, looking into an internship

First Officer: Not here

Captain: Good break but short, got Moulin Rouge and an obnoxious blanket and a gigantic jar of maraschino cherries

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Voting: None. Erich declined his nomination. Sarah forfeits because she never accepted the nom.
Chief of Operations: Bill
Constable: Joel
Com Officer: Rachel
Grand Nagus: Andrew
1st Officer: April
Captain: Phil

Other Organizations

MCS on Friday at 5:00
