Monthly Archive for February, 2012

Minutes from 22 February 2012

Attendance: 7ish

Meeting Start: 10:02 and I’m scared

Meeting End: 10:30 and My face when there is no and.



Recruitment and Relations: We still suck at this. There was some arguing about the movie idea from last week.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Ghost Rider. It was so bad/good. Regardless, twas fun.

Trivia: Snarf. Kelty has trivia.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S? S’n'S.

No Report: Kelty: Just tried the 100 year celebration oreo and the best part is FUN FETTI! No report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Work, Clix, yadda yadda yadda, cheese

Constable: Eeyup, medical issues, BOW It being too damn cold

Com Officer: Got bu-sake’d, bad stuff, working on scarf

Grand Nagus: Not here (LOL)

First Officer: I quit. Would you not fuddle? Suck it. Got some sweet puss. Mini something or other really impressed


Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations



Minutes from 15 February 2012

Attendance: 9

Meeting Start: 10:03 and I’ve just learned how to properly threaten my dice

Meeting End: 10:33 and Whitey don’t know shit



Recruitment and Relations: Monthly film showings in the theater as a recruitment tactic? Poll to follow on the Psi Phi Facebook page

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Shakes the Clown. It is very funny.

Trivia: Andrew: How did the dinosaurs die? The Doctor did something or other and the Cyberman ship fell to Earth and killed the dinosaurs. Rachel got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S and what is wrong with the Star Wars prequels.

No Report: Ryan: I dusted up my room and played with toys. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Got Not See Kola, moved massive collection of DVDs, and Hero Clix and Matt was a d-bag

Constable: BOTW: Not having been bapped this week. Played with “numbers” and “typed things”

Com Officer: Has new shoes, Waagh the adorable worrible, and wrote a TON of Thank You notes. Also is getting not one, but two Dyson vacuums.

Grand Nagus: Crossed the street, almost got run over by an old lady and her dummy with a scary clown mask and a pink shirt. Crossed street again, rundown looking african american man asked where the Kroger was told, “Man, whitey don’t know shit!”

First Officer: Why is this always so hard? *ba dump tss*

Captain: Not here.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations

MCS Friday at 5:00


Minutes from 8 February 2012

Attendance: Siiix

Meeting Start: 10:00 and I don’t have anything clever to say

Meeting End: 10:28 and 11 Doctors later



Recruitment and Relations: We still suck at this

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Megamind

Trivia: April: What does Doctor Who’s Tardis look like? Answer: A blue box. Grand Nagus Andrew got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Nick slept. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Not here

Constable: Today kinda sucked and hates WalMart. BOOTW: Sharing a name with someone else in the room.

Com Officer: Week from hell. Also…PINK!

Grand Nagus: Making a game (of some sort, wasn’t really specific) and MCS will test it. Something about no no no no and ever ever ever ever again

First Officer: Went to Rachel’s bridal shower and is an enabler, got an A on calc quiz

Captain: Not here

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business


Other Organizations

MCS. B-Con is on the 17th-18th of March.


“You talk? All I ever hear is giggling…” -Joel

Minutes from 1 February 2011

Attendance: 11

Meeting Start: 10:01 and where the *deleted for security purposes* is everyone?

Meeting End: 10:31 and gold on Mars, what?



Recruitment and Relations: SIGN THE LOG BOOK!

Office Resource: The office is still there. We are getting a one metric *deleted for security purposes* ton of Star Trek tapes are coming sometime in the future.

Movie: Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

Trivia: Rachel: Who is the inventor of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster? Answer: Zaphod Beeblebrox. Bahnt got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Ryan: I died in dnd. No report

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: New phone and bragging about hipster radio dramas

Constable: Has the bapper, next week’s bapable offense is wearing pants, called his job a club and wrote something or other

Com Officer: wedding stuff with a florist, no caffeine, then caffeine and explosions

Grand Nagus: Spent 48 hours in GCC for a competition where the theme was the Auraboros

First Officer: had a cold, studied and slept a lot

Captain: left before he could give a report

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations

