Monthly Archive for January, 2013

Minutes from 14 November 2012

Attendance: 9? 1 2 3 4 5 6 9.

Meeting Start:10:00 and not furry is not as fun. Oh, Ryan stole my things.

Meeting End: 10:24 and RYAN GIVE MY THINGS BACK!



Recruitment and Relations: People are here. Other people are not. This may or may not be a success.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Skyfall. It was really good.

Trivia: Joel: What song is Data whistling when we meet him in Counter at Firepoint? Pop Goes the Weasel. Andy got it and she’s none too happy about it.

Fundraising: Meh.


Constitution Reform Committee: Extremely off track.

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: This is now Ryan talks time. He saw Wreck It Ralph. Enjoyed it for a Disney movie, but was ok over all. Then he blew Bill’s mind. No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: He mumbled a bit and said “That’s it.”

Constable: Adam is gone for the next two days. He declared naked party.

Com Officer: Had Hobbit food, work is breaking her.

Grand Nagus: Has a beard via laziness, its itchy, but he’s committed, dammit, Animated monkeys and something about a jar.

First Officer: Married April and bought her a soda stream as she rubbed her “victory” in Andy’s face.

Captain: Started watching Sherlock, won NaNoWriMo on the 10th. Victory was rubbed. Victory. It makes a weird obnoxious noise and Andy knows how to bother her now.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way. Lich Lord Joel!

New Business

Other Organizations

Friday at 4:30, Andrew is holding a 1 off game night of D&D 1 or 2 levels. Running Kobalds and Cupcakes for a class, 2nd floor GCC. Also, MCS.
