November 12, 2008

Attendance: 16
Meeting Start: 10:04:02


Recruitment and Relations: Sign the log book!
Movie: 007 away mission is being planned. The bad movie is The Wizard of Speed and Time.
Office Resource: Still there.
Trivia: Xeen still has trivia by answering the name of the arch-lich who created the Tomb of Horrors.
Party: Needs money.
Discussion Group: Mike is locked in a soundbooth. New topic: Good ways to become immortal.
No Report: Xeen used a Gutenberg machine to make huge explosion.

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Not here. Again.
Constable: Survived Week of Death: 3 tests, 2 papers, head cold, AND Obama won. Racked up lots of kills in Fallout 3.
Com Officer: Has been visiting prisons.
Grand Nagus: Has been watching Fantastic Four. Also emailed a guy who worked on music for ComicZone to ask about the best lamb in San Francisco.
First Officer: Nothing.
Captain: Told by his teacher that he would fit in well at prison.

Old Business: None.
New Business: None.

Other Organizations
Anime: Punishment by Lucky Star.
MCS: Friday at 5. Starcraft is now understood?
Order of Xeen: None.
Theater: Go see play.
Other: Jon needs voice talent for podcasting.
LAN will meet at 8pm, hopefully in the right room.

Meeting End: 10:32 and a half hour after I found the hammer.

Adam: I didn’t see Forrest.
Jon: Is your gaydar broken?

?: Forrest, I wonder what you’d see when you looked at Tim Gunn.
?: Negative space.
Forrest: Sparkly negative space.

Jon: If I can cockblock Psi Phi with Reboot the Reboot, I’m happy.
Erik: It was more like blue balls.

Erik: The first lawyer that makes a statement… the judge will say, “Why so serious?” and run out laughing.

Jack: If we had a good general, we would have won the first time around.
Erik: We still would have won with a drunk general and an army of dinosaurs.

Erik: Actually, I cut [the office] off from the building a bit ago.

Forrest: Ow, it hurts. Give me money.
Erik: So… since I haven’t given money and I just paralyzed you, here’s $2. Hey! He can move his arms!
Jon: Lawsuit averted.

Jack: No one will mess with Kelty. He already has a nickname. He’s on a killing spree.

Erik: I get a black screen.
Adam: Is it plugged in?
Erik: Yes.
Adam: Both ends?
Erik: Yes. It’s a laptop.

Erik: I could do it.
Adam: Hey! He said talent.

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