Minutes for December 3, 2008

Attendance: 17
Meeting Start: 10:02 and 15 snowflakes


Recruitment and Relations: No newbies.
Movie: Sgt. Kabukiman is the bad movie.
Office Resource: Still there.
Trivia: What is the middle initial on James Kirk’s tombstone? Fluffy has trivia: R.
Party: Next week on Tuesday in the Harper/Wycoff room at 7pm. Psi Phi meeting after and nominations this meeting. Bring chips and goodies. No reimbursement this time around. Monica is the graduating senior–so she has movie picks.
Discussion Group: What are some life-altering, religion-making games?
No Report: Jon almost died on Black Friday. His window is stuck half open. Just For Fun moved.

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: He was delayed three hours and missed the last flight. Spent the night in Chicago. The bus was an hour and a half late. He missed work. Luggage is gone. Car is dead: Frosts inside of windows. Stranded at the dealership. Joe complaining about jailtime.
Constable: Has been watching football with an old man waking up and making angry noise. It’s a bad idea to switch to FPS from Fallout 3; he thinks he’s going to VATS the enemy and instead blows himself up.
Com Officer: Bunny.
Grand Nagus: Found a life-style video game.
First Officer: Needs to stop reading books about death. She feels like she’s 40.
Captain: Had his 21st birthday. Purple liquid tasted like turpentine. Molten sugar. Brandy. Watched Accepted. Tequila. Then played DoTA. Friend ranted for three days about his being 10 seconds slower while drunk.

Old Business: Jon is not an officer.
New Business: Nominations!
Chief: Anti-Mike, Fluffy, Dave.
Captain: Adam, Forrest, Jack, Seth, Abby.
Nagus: Jack, Collier.
First Officer: Bob, Sarah, Abby.
Constable: Erik, Forrest, Jon, Fluffy.
Com Officer: Ashley, Erik.

Other Organizations
Anime: Meeting on Friday. Adam will be there.
MCS: Friday at 5pm. Jack received individualized spam.
Order of Xeen: Traveller will happen on Sunday at early time.
Theater: New Faces 2008: Fresh talent and freshmen who can’t act.
Other: No D&D because Adam will explode.

Meeting End: 11:01

Adam: So, we’re going to remove all entertainment from Saturday mornings and replace them with commercials.
Jack: Hey! The CW still has quality entertainment.

Forrest: Shush. We’re doing this how I want to do it, not how you want to do it.

Erik: And when you are a terrible rip-off of a terrible game, what are you?

Fluffy: I’ll bring Starcraft.
Group: NO.
Forrest: I ban you from bringing Starcraft. If you bring it, I will set it on fire and ban you from Psi Phi.
Adam: He has the power.
Jon: Not the right.

Jack: See how mad I am? I’ll punch myself in the face. It would be a useful skill, especially in a hostage setting.

Jon: Or we can go to Bacci’s. It’s not like they have a no-talking rule.
Jack: They expect us now. I went in on Tuesday and they got confused: “Where’s the rest of you?”

Anti-Mike: Begin the tale of woe–
Forrest: –End the tale of woe.

Jack: I spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with my girlfriend.
Jon: Does Monica know about this?
Monica: I keep trying to convince him to get another one, but he won’t listen!

Anti-Mike: Now I’m sitting here, waiting for the next bit of bad news.
Jack: I bought you a dog and killed it.
Anti-Mike: That’s good news, except for killing it.
Erik: I bought you a dog and kept it alive.

Erik: I beat 4 Pokemon games in Chemistry and decided that 5 weeks ago that I should take notes. The only that’s made it in is a sexual innuendo the teacher made.

Adam: it’s interesting that an activity called drinking makes you thirstier… It’s like eating mac and cheese. You keep eating and eating and get hungrier and it just makes me angry.

Anti-Mike: Do you know how to build a website?
Fluffy: I know how to build a program…

Jack: The poorly-lit ages.
Erik: The 45-watt ages.
Adam: The murky light before the dawn ages.

Anti-Mike: Who else wants to be the bitch of the club?

Adam: Last time you left me alone, I destroyed anything.

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