Minutes for February 18, 2009

Attendance: 15
Start Time: 10:01:40 sec after finishing the rubiks cube and Ashley ruined it again


Recruitment and Relations: Elly’s not here.
Movie: Abraksas: Guardian of the Universe? Friday the 13th was good. Jason now uses ranged attacks and traps.
Office: Still there. Jon was looking into things we could do with the table. We can get whiteboard paint! Could paint and put a laminate sheet on top? No longer a sectional table. Could just buy a mat? $22.
Trivia: Xeen still has it? Not here. Skipping it? Poor Sarah has trivia.
Discussion: Sort of happened. What animals would you like to weaponize?
Fundraising: Only two things for February? A not weird book is winning. BUY SOMETHING.
No Report: Erik: A year ago, he saw a bloody squirrel tail and a squirrel with a very little tail. Saw the squirrel today. It’s as big as his dog. VERY fat squirrel. A species of squirrels that eats birds? He didn’t actually kill that bird, he just sent it to another dimensions.

Officers’ Reports
Constable: Birthday this weekend! Parents brought cheese crowns and other things. Went to Kaiserhoff–good food; don’t go during dinner. Downloaded 6gigs of Mighty Max.
Com Officer: Ate a chocolate-covered cricket because of answering affirmative to a hypothetical question.
Chief: Watching your best friend being birthed by your girlfriend you just finished having sex with. Thought process: Does it hurt to drag her about like that? If it’s just a hand, would you want to stop? If it was gripping that hard, yes. Oh, there’s a head. He’s gooey. Pop! like a cork!
Nagus: Donate! Been kinda sick and not feeling well.
First Officer: Studied for three tests over the weekend. They’re not over. Been watching the newer Star Wars movies… asking questions like, Why am I watching it? Do all Jedis have to have bad hair? Erik says it’s a matter of discipline. Make her appreciate the older ones.
Captain: Read 100+ pages of treaties between US and Japan. Like 5 year olds arguing. US: Give the stuff you took back. Japan: …But it is ours now. See, look, it’s ours! US: But you need to give it back. And then we’ll give you the oil. Japan: But it’s ours. US: You need to give it back. Japan: No! But you should give us the oil anyway. Prof. Clore mistook him for a psych major.

Old Business: Robot…zombie-fest is on the way. Reboot it?
New Business: Rebooting to Zombie-fest. No more ellipses. Jon will be buying the paint tomorrow. Painting will happen on Monday…ish?

Other Organizations
Anime: Watching Soul Eater and Pumpkin Scissors.
Relay for Life: Volunteers? YES, you can walk. Needs more information.
MCS: B-Con scheduling coming up soon. Weekend before Spring Break. March 7th?

Ending Time: 10:41:about as many seconds

A-Mike: We don’t trust him unless he uses the funny math.

Erik: M. Night Shaymalan? And then the zebra was a horse!

Erik: …So, it’s two PSPs with a hinge?

Abby: That’s my line! My line, Sarah!
Jon: No. Your line is “I brought Elly,” so you failed.

A-Mike: It’s American cartoons before they started sucking!

Erik: I had the castle that was like this big and it was a mountain and it opened up and there was a dragon and a lava moat!

Jon: It offers us an option with the table… other than it sitting there and mocking me.

Fluffy: I’ll pitch in if other people are…
Collier: All money is good.
Erik: I’ll give you a dollar… but only if someone else gives you a dollar.

Sarah: Come back in 35 years…
A-Mike: Don’t think we won’t.
Jon: Those of us that are alive.
Sarah: Wait, no, don’t. I’ll be old… and in for a second facelift.

Adam: Incendiary pigs!

A-Mike: I know! That’s the marketing scheme! These movies aren’t as good as the old ones, I’m going to go buy the latest version of the older ones.

Stephen: My dignity changes colors.
Taia: You haven’t brought your dignity in a while.
Jon: I was gonna say that no one has seen Stephen’s dignity in some time.

Erik: We’ll all work on it! We’ll hang from the ceilings and duct tape the vents!
Adam: We don’t want the paint to escape!
A-Mike: Or the fumes~

Jon: As long as we don’t die, it’s still in-keeping of the spirit.

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