Minutes for March 11, 2009

Attendance: 17
Start Time: 10:05 and 5 seconds before Jack got here


Recruitment and Relations: Elly is here.
Office: Office is still there. No redo to the grid yet. Continue wiping off the grid.
Movie: Peepers. Went to go see Watchmen. Go see more movies over Spring Break. Jack is interested in going to see Haunting in Connecticut.
Discussion Group: Sort of happened.
Fundraising: Only Forrest buying. Please continue buying.
Trivia: Xeen still has it. Name the first six Mega Man robot masters? Stephen got four.
No Report: Erik was watching Intervention: The fattest heroin addict ever. “He is now homeless and uses heroin” ending line.

Officers’ Reports
Chief: Learned that, in the correct amounts, Kiss and LARP can solve any problems. Been sick. Planning on giving his lung to Forrest, who made him sick. Going home to CA. Has a Twitter now.
Com: Suggested Repo! as an extra-credit movie to the Film Appreciation teacher and got an email back that essentially said I’m awesome and my class is stupid.
Constable: Been in a strange mood all week. Flowing oddly. Linked torrenting is a lot of fun. Igor was interesting. Gamerz: Scottish, awful, and no one to like. The closest character to being likable was the heroin dealer.
Nagus: Had an excellent weekend since Monica came to visit.
First Officer: Had an eventful past few days–no grenades. Got an interview with the SCC–could get an unpaid internship in DC.
Captain: B-Con was a lot of fun. Probably was a bad idea to have B-Con on the weekend before break, since he didn’t get anything done on the weekend. Started torrenting the other day–downloading 80s from Estonia. He downloaded and has been playing Typing of the Dead.

Old Business: Zombie-fest is on the way. Jon is an officer.
New Business: Selling the older games to a collector? Replace things in the office. Get rid of crap. Send out an email to the mailing list to see if old members want the old games?

Other Organizations
Anime: Not having a regular meeting, but will have a random watching.
LAN: Maybe no LAN this week?
MCS: Still going on.

Ending Time: 10:36

Adam: I’m not going to wait for Jack because he’s probably dead…
Jack: [from the hall] Why are you not waiting for me?

Forrest: I’d like to make a note that my passive information check is better than Jon’s active information check. I only didn’t know two this week.
Jon: I rolled a two.

Several: [about Illinois' Pluto ruling] YAAAAAY. [about Pluto Day] YAAAAAY.
A-Mike: Doesn’t our government have something more important to do?
Everyone: NO.
Adam: We just lost our governor and we don’t know what to do, so we’re going to give our people back their nine planets.

A-Mike: How do you know these things?
Erik: I watch commercials.
Jon: They only run one new one, everything else is reruns. You can still watch Gargoyles
Adam: NO! They’re still making new ones!
Jack: Don’t be like my grandfather please… who thinks Red Skeleton is still alive because he’s on TV.

Jon: Hey–if I were God, I’d let the glowworm hang out.

Jon: Bacci’s is just not conducive to discussing.
Erik: Or digestion.

Xeen: We had GutsMan, Fireman—and, crap!

Erik: So, trivia committee hasn’t done anything for the past six weeks?
Jack: It doesn’t usually do anything… but, yes.

Sarah: They will kill you if you do things wrong with your accounting.

A-Mike: ..if we had some sort of cheesecake grenade.
Erik: The shrapnel has to go somewhere. So… there’s a chance you could die.
Adam: I would take this chance!

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