Minutes for April 1, 2009

Attendance: 17
Meeting Start: 10:01 and I don’t even know what seconds are.


Recruitment and Relations: Abby brought Lauren and Elly brought Erin. Elly is here.
Movie: Hawk the Slayer bad movie. Went to see Monsters vs. Aliens.
Office Resource: Office is still there.
Trivia: Erik has trivia. What color are the empire’s lasers? Forrest: Green! Erik: Ah! How did you know?
Party: Reinstated. Please donate to the party, but it’s not needed as badly. $80 for pizzas. Bring desserts and snacks and delicious goodies.
Discussion Group: Discussed backstories to villains and heroes. Topics? Invisible pandas. More of the archivist powers/librarian superpowers.
Fundraising: Gospel of the Living Dead: 0; Player’s Handbook 2: 0; The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: 8; Darker Than Black: 0; Fate Stay Night: 2. Ashley wins.
No Report: Forrest has been playing Grand Chase: fighting game–Erik: GUNBOUND! Has to play 70 minutes a day to achieve attendance–get seals over your head–A-Mike: Seals like… arf arf?. Playing a dancer who hits people with rings. PVP’d for 3 hours. Generated a panther that could only hit with its tail.

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Been following lots of April Fools stuff. Put viral videos up in the lobby of the GCC. Didn’t follow through on other prank ideas.
Constable: Playing Burn Zombie Burn–you can never survive, you can only live longer. 3.4mil points, increase modifier by setting them on fire. Building high level players with D&D Player’s Handbook 2. Character builder does math for him.
Com Officer: Hates the chemistry test. Loves Burn Zombie Burn. And Fargo. And Better off Ted.
Grand Nagus: Is fail.
First Officer: This last half of the semester is going to drag on. She’s gotten past the hard part. Watching a tennis match and her favorite person didn’t win.
Captain: Watched a House April fools. Cast of House was pranked–elevator opened up, circus walked out, then walked back in and disappeared. Having fun playing DoTA by teleporting people into trees. Adam needs to live through this next week.

Old Business: Zombie-fest is on the way. Jon is an officer.
New Business: Bosco sticks are back. This Friday is a cookout: 7pm in one of the St. James grilling areas. Bring your own meat. Brings drinks/chips/side dishes. We’ve had a couple logos in, from Elly and Taia.

Other Organizations
Anime: Watching Soul Eater and picking a new series for the evening slot.
MCS: A-Mike is bringing 1843, cheap miniatures games. Friday 5-whenever you want to leave.
Order of Xeen: Jon’s party–make your 11 character.
Other: Drive By Press is making neat t-shirts maybe still tomorrow.
Theater: Shakespeare Abridged: 4pm Fri, 1pm Sat, in the Olin quad; 8pm Sat in GCC.
Next week: 1984. Fri, 8pm; Sat, 2:30pm, 8pm.
Two weeks later: Death Trap

Meeting End: 10:42 and I still don’t know what a second is

Forrest: So Edward Cullen’s sparkles…
Jon: It’s a sweat sheen.

?: Additional news.
?: Subtrational news.

Adam: I hope we don’t scare you off.
Erik/Alex: Flash. Woooohaaaa. Savior of the universe!
Adam: And the next thing they do…
Jon: This is why we can’t have nice things.

Adam: You know what’s more fun? Watching Star Wars on a projection screen that can’t show red.

Adam: He actually brings pure liquid hate.
Jon: And it comes in different flavors–this is the DoTA hate and the theatre hate…

Ashley: They’ll have less sex!
A-Mike: No, they’ll have more sex because they don’t have to see each other.

Erik: I already spared your life after telling you about my secret lab, that would be a terrible waste.

Jon: As long as you don’t mind it being cooked next to murder.

A-Mike: And the other one I didn’t do because I was afraid Ed would steal my soul.
Erik: Legitimate!

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