Minutes for April 8, 2009

Attendance: 14
Meeting Start: 10:02 and he can tell seconds


Recruitment and Relations: Erich is here. We lost the people who brought people.
Movie: Spacehunter: Adventure in the Forbidden Zone. Dragonball Evolution opens in theaters Friday.
Office Resource: If you’re killing time in the office, try to inventory pieces from the war games collections.
Trivia: Forrest has trivia. It involves a lot of screaming. Jon: What is Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce? The actual question is: What is one of the three Sci-Fi/Fantasy series that Piers Anthony has written? Erik flails at the actual question and wins.
Party: Forrest has started the party money collection committee. Has $8 out of $80.
Discussion Group: Anti-Mike is not here to talk about it.
Fundraising: Just walked in from watching Magnolia. No one has bought anything yet.
No Report: Erik went to his persuasion class today. He has to name 5 social movements that ever happened by next Wednesday. 2 page take home essay final about social movements. Can resubmit his first or second paper and he did 100% on his first paper, so he’s just going to get another 100 points easy.

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: The BBQ was fun and delicious. His Travellers moved a planet… accidentally. Pisses off the OCD space cartographers. The movie was freaky.
Constable: Jon has bubbles! Continuing to make characters in the D&D Creator. Found a Level 1 item allows you to teleport 2 squares in Dragon Magazine. Barbarian has more AC than a Warlord with a heavy shield and platemail(?). Barbarian is wearing animal skins.
Com Officer: Discovered the joy of blowing bubbles in the house. Report has been shanghai’d by the discussion of starfish porn. Ate elk. Was good. Now feels more manly because of it.
Grand Nagus: Visited Monica over the weekend; she got a job with the highway department and got shocked by a groundwire for an electric fence. Saw the Haunting in Connecticut and it was good and creepy. RPing Gargoyles. (Today is a big day for report shanghai’ing.)
First Officer: Is not disclosing whether or not she threw a grenade. Hopefully will still be alive next week. Is depressed because her life revolves around school. Hopefully she will never have to carry a keg.
Captain: Got all his work done that’s due tomorrow. Thinks he’s being schizophrenic: Half of his brain wanted to put it off, the other half continues working while the first half is still confused.
Got candy from the nursing teacher to calm the female rage. Adam ate all the Peeps. Ate 20 peeps. Can only open the peeps 10 at a time. His tongue is bubble gum pink. The Williams cafeteria is much like Cheers: Everyone knows his name and when he complains, shit gets done.

Old Business: Zombie-fest is on the way. More logos have been stuck on the website.
New Business: None.

Other Organizations
Anime: Last Soul Eater.
MCS: Friday. 5pm.
Theater: 1984 is on Friday and Sat at 8:00pm; 2:30pm on Sat. $3.

Meeting End: 10:44 PM and he can still tell seconds

Adam: Attendance is 6… 7… and Alex is fat.

Adam: There is something terribly wrong with the Enterprise crew watching over you while you sleep.

Erik: Oh no! Don’t change Crabbe!
Forrest: …good. I’m glad you feel so strongly about this.

Fluffy: And three people walked out with a seizure.
Many: …”walked out”?
Erik: *gets up and starts shaking violently, staggering out of the room*

Adam: RC had thunderthighs, she was hilarious.

Erik: It’s kinda creepy… watching Jon watch a movie.
Alex: This is worth $4!

Alex: What is he doing? Is he double retarded?

Alex: I have a pocket full of dreams, but dreams don’t pay…

Erik: If you can throw a frog at terminal velocity, you need to join the MLB.

A-Mike: No one’s put an order in yet.
Erik: I ordered a bunch of frogs…

Fluffy: What’s the name of that item?
Jon: [Deleted for security reasons].

Sarah: Leave a little mystery… that’s all I’ve got.

Many: [Discussion of people putting Sarah in a keg.]
Sarah: This is why I don’t come to your BBQs.

Jon: As long as you don’t start talking about Hobbitses, we’ll be fine.

A-Mike: I’m going to pair the time with the Vegeta crushing a scouter… Please tell me it’s after 9.
Erik: It’s after 5:30~!

Erik: This democracy tastes like a roofie.
Jon: The republicans would be like: “This chocolate could be poisonous. Find out at our next meeting.”

Jon: Dragon Magazine is like the annoying little brother that tries to one-up you.

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