Minutes for September 9, 2009

Attendance: 19 and a roaring dragon
Meeting Start: 10:02 and 38 assists


Recruitment and Relations: We’re pretty low today. Our first officer is missing already.
Movie: The bad movie is Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil’s Son in Law. Will be going to see 9 on

Office Resource: The office is still there. The pink pillow is missing?
Trivia: Jon has trivia. How did Douglas Adams come up with 42 as an answer? A bag of

oreos. Fluffy has trivia.
Fundraising: We’ve had two items bought. Continue to buy stuff.
Party: October 23. In the Ballroom? Officers have a speech to give? What?
Discussion Group: Didn’t happen last week. Mythical foods?
No Report: Three days ago, Erik got into a heated argument with friend about Diablo 3.

Remember Starcraft Ghost and 2? Woke up and got a newslink about Diablo 3 being pushed back

a year. Just making cut-scenes of games.

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Actually chef of operations? Was in Naperville for Grandpa’s birthday.
Constable: Week was exhilarating. In the sense that it wasn’t. At all. Actually a

terrible week. Grandma died. Did go drinking with his professor.
Com Officer: Is doing a very good job at not being sick until she starts hanging out with

you guys, then she starts dying.
Grand Nagus: There is a trust issue here. I am in control of your money, but no one wants

to give me money. Went to class.
First Officer: Also had a grandmother turn a great age, not so great since the invention of

pencillin. Surprise party for her. Not yet spent a weekend at Bradley. Been playing Team

Fortress 2.
Captain: My great grandmothers are dead. Last one that died broke grandmother’s furniture

to get the little green men. She carried around a garbage bag to keep them in. Online

argumentative writing class has a Second Life requirement. It’s a terrible system. Fly to

the top of Bradley Hall and play Monopoly for an hour.

Old Business: Zombie-fest is on the way. Jon is not an officer.
New Business: All business will be conducted in non-captial letters from now on. Voting on

it next week.

Other Organizations
Anime: Forrest is no longer president of anime club. On Friday at 6:30pm.
MCS: On Friday at 5pm.
Theater: Sept 24 are auditions for New Faces.
LAN: Saturday around 7 or 8pm in Harper/Wycoff.
Other: Go to Nerf Commandos on Thursday at 10pm.

Meeting End: 10:43 and another 9 assists

Adam: [To fight the zed-word] Just the word?

Forrest: Again, Jon is attempting to remove all forms of punctuation so I can’t pronounce


Forrest: But, really, William Shatner is the only titan.
Alex: Hee. Fatty.
Forrest: Thank you, Alex, all my witticisms are lost.

Anti-Mike: It’s that dirty!
Adam: It’s more of a moral dirty…

Forrest: It was a trivia transfer. I didn’t have trivia, but it went away.

Adam: I feel the SBAM coming off the screen.

Phil: For a long time, I thought sangria was ambrosia.

Phil: If you wanna get with this, you need to sign, date, and fingerprint.

Phil: We don’t lose wars in America. We politely retreat.
Adam: We call them police actions.

Elly: I don’t want to know what’s going on in everyone’s mind.
Ashley: Good choice.
Elly: You know, don’t you?

Phil: So it’s like… socialist WOW?
Anti-Mike: Except you don’t have to work together.

Erik: Milwaukee is the largest suburb of Chicago.

Anti-Mike: It was a spiraling tower of babel cake.
Ashley: That’s not what I want to think of my my birthday.
Jon: You would think that much excitement would kill the person.
Adam: That’s the point.
Jon: “Here, Grandma. Go in the bouncy castle.”

Sarah: Now that everyone’s given me their life savings…

Phil: The grand haggis. Please present your delectible sausage deliciousness.

Phil: That’s good, because the rest of the meeting is in capital letters. It’ll wear on my

vocal chords.

Xeen: We’re all for altruism if it’s free.

Forrest: Why was it in that accent?
Erik: Because I’m Toki Wartooth. Not a bumblebee.

Jon: Run from the Christmas Carol. Run.

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