Monthly Archive for November, 2009

Minutes for November 18, 2009

Attendance: 15

Meeting Start: 10 and 40 seconds pm

Meeting End: 10:29 and 8 vestrals


Erik has news. Office episode about a dinner party was directed by JJ Abrams?


Recruitment and Relations: Neither Elly or Abby is here.

Office Resource: The office is still there. Star Trek movie isn’t there?

Movie: Bad movie is Pigs. About flesh-eating pigs.

Trivia: What are the invisible creatures that pull the carriages at Hogwarts? Erik wins with trivia.

Fundraising: Not looking up stuff information. Mike will be writing a plugin for Amazon?

Party: Forrest is ignoring us for a book.

Discussion Group: If you were to subjugate a magical peoples, who would it be?

No Report: While listening to death metal, Erik saw a hawk carrying half a score.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: So bored by computer science, was writing poetry about computer science.

Constable: AWOL

Com Officer: Listened to a lecture about using video games to treat phobias and ptsd, watched people play games that showed how people tried to get out of burning buildings and then played counter-strike and everything died.

Grand Nagus: At 9am, she gets to get a call from a large accounting firm about something she has no idea about.

First Officer: Vista will not let him play Left4Dead 2.

Captain: Has been playing Dragon Age and LOL. Read the entire new Wheel of Time book in 3 days.

Old Business

  • Zombiefest is on the way.
  • Jon is not an officer.

New Business


Other Organizations

  • BU Intergalactic Journal Confessionals on the quad. Tell a story for candy. 10:30-5:30.
  • Nerf Commandos having first real meeting in forever on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving Break
  • Xeen’s Traveller campaign is this Friday.


Erik: No. 10:40. Let’s try to finish so we have a negative time meeting.

Erik: And it only has the power to sleep and throw up.
Ashley: Not even that yet.

Erik: So we can genetically engineer space-fish.
Xeen: Starfish.

Forrest: …planning a 2 million film arc…

Collier: I think it’s just the wax of the table being scuffed.
A-Mike: Relevant comment.

Forrest: And Egyptians worshipped pigs as gods.
Adam: …I think I missed that in my history class.

Collier: Discuss the differences between JJ Abrams Star Trek and other Star Treks.
Erik: [explosion noises]
A-Mike: A topic that cannot be described in one onomotopea.

Sarah: That’s how I’ll always remember Bradley: Dark, cold, rainy.
Erik: I lived in Peoria my whole life and I will always think of it as dark, cold, and rainy.

A-Mike: It’s written in purple highlighter.
Jon: HA! Purple prose!
Erik: When I think of manly things… writing poetry in purple highlighter…

Minutes for November 11, 2009

Attendance: 12

Meeting Start: 10:02 and we do have quorum

Meeting End: 10:41 and we’ve wrapped it



Recruitment and Relations: Elly’s here and Abby’s not.

Office Resource: The office is still there. Jon bought new posters for the office.

Movie: The bad movie is Destroy All Monsters.

Trivia: Phil has trivia, but Jon takes trivia again. Name of horse in Bruce Campbell’s movie Jack of All Trades? Named Nutcracker. Jon wins. But Phil still has trivia.

Fundraising: Fail.

Party: Donate to the party please?

Discussion Group: Happens.

No Report: Taia has a no report. Just watched War Games for the second time.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: AWOL. Today I ate a whole truckload of kittens and threw it up onto the sensitive membranes of newborn children.

Constable: AWOL. Feeding arsenic paste to underprivledges minors and killed their drunken parents in front of them and said it was an installment piece.

Com Officer: Had an awesome day. Testing the children went well. Talked with Steve a long time. Had a great lecture from the Food Psychologist; he was hilarious and there was at least 200 people and it was great.

Grand Nagus: Sarah noticed that, upside-down, Harrison Ford looks very attractive. Sitting in International Business: Has a flamboyant teacher. Teacher said today, “I should stop sucking on this.”

First Officer: Wrote 8-page paper about TB. Played Torchlight. Teacher looks like a squirrel? Calls on people, so he can’t monopolize time.

Captain: Have been playing Dragon Age. Managed to corrupt the files after installing it. Cool parts: Reminds him of Neverwinter Nights except for game play that works on PC, similar to KOTOR, get the shit kicked out of you on Normal.

Old Business

  • Zombie-fest is on the way.
  • Jon is not an officer.

New Business


Other Organizations

  • People need to come to MCS and start games at 5pm.
  • Send Erik articles for BU Intergalactic Magazine
  • Xeen’s DM is looking to start up a new Pathfinder campaign at campaign in Washington.
  • LAN will probably not be occuring normally.


Phil: Lord of the Rings was awesome!
Jon: Yes, because the movies aren’t completely true to the book!

Phil: I thought it said hemoglobin.

Adam: Donate to the lovely woman at the end of the table.
Sarah: I’ll steal it.
Adam: …Or not.

Jon: What’s that? Food or physical activity.
Phil’s going to try and play dueling bangos on his mandolin?

Jon: Like those awful Facebook games, but it causes a war.
Phil: Like that gangster game?
Adam: Oh. I would feel really bad about that. I killed bank guards.

Jack: I make them weak enough to exist.
Jon: That’s why Jack’s not allowed to work in schools anymore.

Phil: Why is it the industry standard?
Adam/Jon: Because you’ll pay it.

Phil: He licked some demon taint.

Minutes for November 4, 2009

Attendance: 17

Meeting Start: 10:00 and Ponce de Leon

Meeting End: 10:35 and at least ten conquistadors later



Recruitment and Relations: Abby is here; Elly is not. KATHERINE IS HERE.

Office Resource: The office is still there. Weird grate-less fan is in the office, liberated from the Russian front?

Movie: Bad movie is Bad Spawn, remake of the Wasp Woman.

Trivia: Forrest has trivia. Why do we have trivia? Anti-Mike: To punish people. No one answers. So, Forrest has it again. Except Phil now has trivia with 42.

Fundraising: None.

Party: Donate money to Forrest for end of party.

Discussion Group:

No Report: Phil chased down Fluffy and ran him into an old man. Fluffy rushed through a level-based game and died by running out of ammo.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Has nothing to report? Wants to go home to CA. Needs to sublet apartment to someone, or store stuff, or take stuff home?

Constable: AWOL.

Com Officer: Is the key to getting a quarter of a million dollars for the research project.

Grand Nagus: Is no longer allowed to abstain from voting in the student senate. Did nothing with condoms. Had us take a survey for class.

First Officer: Had a great time at RHPS. At beginning/end was hit on by 35-year-old women. Divide by 7, add 7.

Captain: Stole Borderlands from Fluffy. It’s impossible to die game. It is really entertaining, but otherwise not a very good game. Continues to play game to shoot people in the face with a revolver.

Old Business

Zombie-fest is over. Adam has made a Zombiefest page with the costumes, polls will be forthcoming.

New Business

Zombie-fest is again on the way.

Other Organizations

  • Romantic-era music at St. Mary’s. $5 tickets.
  • Free concerts on Sunday at 3pm in Dingledine.
  • Running focus group on interactive (restaurant) menu system built into table. Tomorrow, 5pm. Baker basement.
  • Pinocchio opens Thursday at the BU Theater.
  • Alternate Fridays: Traveller group meets in Washington. Looking for a pilot and engineer?
  • MCS on Friday.


Abby: Where’s Elly?
Jon: Of course, you’re here, so she can’t show up.

Phil: But it had Batman!

Adam: Well, at least I’m an expensive book.

Adam: I have Betty Davis eyes, moving on!

Jon: The Russian front is also known as the trash.

Phil: You can cut your tongue on this plastic if you lick it hard enough.

Abby: I think they found Jesus.
Adam: A couple times.

Phil: OH! I know a couple people in that! They LOVE God. They want a PERSONAL relationship with God.

Sarah: How’d that go anyway?
Forrest: You owe me $10.

Adam: HOW DO YOU RUN OUT OF AMMO IN THIS GAME? It rains from the sky!

Fluffy: Why’d I get hit three times?
Jon: Two for flinching!

Phil: I was in drag… does that?
Adam: Yes.
Jon: If it’s not your street clothes, then it’s a costume.
Forrest: It’s his street-walking clothes!