Minutes from 20 January, 2010

Attendance: 12 counted by twos

Meeting Start: 10 and my second hand is broken

Meeting End: 10:35 and yeah.



Recruitment and Relations: Elly is here, Abby is not. Fluffy and Steven are not within a hundred-mile radius.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Santa Claus (1959) Starring Santa and Merlin.
-Things I Learned from This Movie:
-Santa lives in an orbital fortress.
-The cost of running a toy factory at the North Pole is offset by the lack of child labor laws.
-Merlin the Magician invented LSD, angel dust, cocaine, and Splenda.
-Hell has strict emissions regulations.
-Always pay for the ignition kill wish option when you purchase an ariticial reindeer.

Trivia: Erik won by burning Willy Wonka. What type of bear is best? Answer: Black Bear. No one got it.

Fundraising: For January, we have $4.17.

Party: Nothing happens until Forrest says.

Discussion Group: Reasons we don’t like The Cone of Shame. Other villains who have high squeaky voices. Etc.

No Report: Willy Wonka (claims it will be short and to the point)– I don’t ride buses. To say the least I have spent 15 hours on trains and buses this week. No Report (still talking.. not recording it)

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Redesigned the website! Fixed an error with uploading pictures by contacting support and google searching. Website is done and hanging out, go check it out. Actual report: very bored over break, finished projects in two days. Moved work days to Wednesday, four day weekend. Taking care of ratties. Erik interrupted with a loud NANANANANANANA. end.

Constable: Stayed up until 5am, shocked by how light it gets during the day. Editors at magazine want him to make his own video blog for people to pay to rent and see, and he just gets to play video games and make money.

Com Officer: Took j-term online and it sucked. Eventful break, although to anyone else it would sound boring. Bribe open for a ride home in exchange for a piece of cinnamon coffee cake.

Grand Nagus: Saw Sherlock Holmes, but it was basically like they called a 19th century detective. Did not stay up until 5am.

First Officer: Went to California for a week, and met not-so-famous people behind famous people. Like the marketing director of a movie production company. Came back and fell on the ice three times.

Captain: Has not worn pants more than three times this week. Boring break.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Wasn’t paying attention.

Other Organizations



Forrest: It’s not my fault!
Erik: I’m not gonna hit you, I’m gonna it the paper. Where’s the paper? Is it this one?

Erik: Plus I like being able to be naked all the time.
Jon: I can draw dirty pictures with a spirograph. Just watch.

Ashley: I’ve got a needle in my hand, I don’t wanna play nose goes. I don’t want a piercing there.
Erik: That’s what she said.

Ashley: Her boobs are saggy.
Phil: Yeah, I didn’t like that.

Ashley: Apparently there’s a rumor going around that in Africa the men like it better when the women are totally and completely dry, so they throw sand in there.
Phil: Isn’t that counterintuitive?

Forrest: It matches his mutton chops [about his car].

Sarah: I can’t count above a dollar.

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