Minutes from 26 September 2012

Attendance: 11, is that it? Oh look, it’s Bahnt!

Meeting Start: 10:00 with log book, bapper AND treasury

Meeting End: 10:30 and paper airplane at Kelty’s head.



Recruitment and Relations: Sign the log book! It’s here!

Office Resource: The office is still there and heavily locked. Sign the paper for access! NO ACCESS FOR YOU!

Movie: The Stuff. Barely approved by the FDA.

Trivia: Joel: What was the name of the ship that Riker took captainship of? The Titan. Andy got it.



Constitution Reform Committee:

Discussion Group: S’n'S

No Report: Ryan Craig: John the Bandit said “Listen Guys! We got this!” No Report.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Played Clix, drove to Chicago, date with Patty Mullen, said Patty Mullen 500 times, came back to go to a funeral. Huzzah.

Constable: Also went to Chicago, IRON SKY!, line delivery via Rachel (no I will not post it in the minutes).

Com Officer: Finally got her new laptop, went to Chicago, then funeral, got Indian food, resubbed to WoW

Grand Nagus: Made something for family gathering, it was inhaled, birthday, went to Chicago, sat in Wrigley for 4 hours, heard the death of a Model T.

First Officer: Didn’t do anyhing this week, didn’t watch star trek, watched stargate atlantis instead, Liz-chan cried.

Captain: Just made a paper airplane, physics test, organic test tomorrow, calc test on friday, wants to sleep, put 2 weeks notice in at work.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Other Organizations

MCS on friday!


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