The alumni members listed here are not the entirety of our alumni, but only the ones we still have contact with and who have agreed to be listed on this page. If you know anyone else who would qualify, please let us know.
- Andrew Evans: ninjapirates777 [at] hotmail [dot] com
- David Henderson: davidh [at] psiphi [dot] org
- Jack Kearney: lolithia42 [at] hotmail [dot] com
- Jon Lascelles: jlascelles [at] mail.bradley [dot] edu
- Lyz Liddell: elizabethraliddell [at] yahoo [dot] com
- Steven Noto: snoto [at] cs.wisc [dot] edu
- Anti-Mike Watson: flaredragon [at] earthlink [dot] net
- Dan Wentzel
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