Minutes for April 15, 2009

Attendance: 14
Meeting Start: 10:03 and not only can I tell the time, but I can tell you the seconds: 35


Recruitment and Relations: Bring new people. Dan is back.
Movie: Because the internet is dead at his apartment, there is no bad movie. Went to go see Dragonball. It was dumb, but enjoyable. Nova has an amazing soda selection.
Office Resource: Office is still there. There are new chairs in there, thanks to Fluffy and Collier. Found the box of pencils he bought two months ago; left in office for gaming needs.
Trivia: Jon: Name one character on Collier’s shirt? Jack: SPIDERMAN! A-Mike: And without even looking.
Party: Initiated contact with Dave about reunion next year. Will be working on that. Has $14 so far. Has since doubled his money; now a third of what we need. Party will be in the same place, unless someone gives him a new idea.
Discussion Group: Didn’t happen. Topic tonight: How do you kill Jon while he’s awake?
Fundraising: New rules: You can find a weird item and pay half value to the club to enter it into the competition.
No Report: Alex no longer has his left big toenail. Discussed how many engines we should put on a rocket full of thermite: 5 is the appropriate number? He is going to be making model rockets?

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Is getting viruses. Getting a feather branded. Jack is offering to brand him. Hates Action Script 3.
Constable: Up and down week. Set curve on Ed’s test. Had wall attacked with hammers (Fofo: We’re under siege!).
Com Officer: Made brain cupcakes. Is also convinced that teacher put pot into the charcoal during the chaotic BBQ.
Grand Nagus: Has a $7 cigar he needs to smoke.
First Officer: Has something to report. Got the internship. Going out to DC and may or may not get paid. Put Psi Phi on her resume, and attributes that to getting the internship.
Captain: Week has been busy. Has lost both of his big toenails three times. No ingrown toenails anymore. Has been playing Diablo 2, thanks to his brother’s influence. As an Amazon, does no damage with spear; all damage comes from the lightning bolts that shoot from it.

Old Business: Zombie-fest is on the way. Jon is an officer.
New Business: Start thinking about the freshman binder?

Other Organizations
Anime: Two blank slots for anime. (Jon: Can we watched the banned episodes of Pokemon?)
MCS: Friday at 5.
Theater: Rock Star project this Friday, 3:30pm in the upstairs of Hartman. Donations wanted. Death Trap starts next Thursday.
Other: BPA at 8 or 10pm.

Meeting End: 10:48 PM 4/15/2009

A-Mike: Do they get launched into the sun? Or sent to another planet where they get resurrected…?
Jon: You have to pay extra for that.

Forrest: It’s in all caps. I figured it needed to be in a robot voice.

Forrest: No amount of flapping makes it work.

Forrest: There’s a lot of hair in there… a significant amount. If anyone wants to give me non-hair money, that’s okay too.
Jack: Taia’s secretly a cat!!!

Ashley: You looked something up?
A-Mike: …yeah.
Ashley: Holy shit, you’re on the ball.
Jack: He likes the ball.

Forrest: By the way, does anyone know what a grindstone is in sexual terminology?

Jack: I waved at him. That makes him real.

Jack: I don’t know if you could kill Jon with a chalkboard.

Dan: You have found something I’m not willing to do.
Jack: Hey Dan, sex with a panda?
Dan: …is she cute?
Jack: I’m going to say yes, but any way you tried to have sex with a panda, it would probably kill you.
Dan: On the other hand, I could be like one of five people to have sex with a panda. But I don’t know what China’s like.

Adam: You should stop going to porn sites.
Jon: His real problem is that he’s watching viral videos.
Jack: No. He went to the deepest core of the internet and sucked on it.
Jon: Don’t lick the internet.

A-Mike: I watched it this week!
Ashley: And that’s the most exciting part of your day. Can we move on?

Adam: Grenades?
Sarah: In a way, maybe…

Club: [applause]
Sarah: I wish I could be that excited.

Jon: You just have to tell them that Psi Phi is an official ambassador to Djibouti.

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