Minutes for April 22, 2009

Attendance: 15
Meeting Start: 10:02 Mike’s not in blue and that rhymes


Recruitment and Relations: Abby brought Lauren. She and Erich signed the log book.
Movie: [Item deleted for security reasons?] of the Animal People.
Office Resource: The office is still there.
Trivia: Jack has trivia. In Gargoyles: The Animated Series, who made Demona and Macbeth immortal? Forrest answers The Three Sisters.
Party: Forgot to bring total tally and forgot to bring Taia’s cup back. About a third of the way there. Hasn’t counted the change yet either. Needs more money.
Discussion Group: Jon’s death will be brought about by some naked bird. New topic: How we can make Pokemon: The Post-Apocalyptic Game a reality?
Fundraising: Anti-Mike is on the ball somehow. Couple of new things: Arcane Power, a Canon zoom pack, portable notebook computer lock.
No Report: Alex’s report is about mold. Pickle juice is not a natural ingredient to paste. Made a rare, dangerous mold.

Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: $80 terrabyte harddrives. Bought a couple. Has been healed by major harddrive space. The perfect cure for depression is mini-snickers. May not be able to take class at ICC and then would have to stay another whole year.
Constable: Started playing Pokemon Platinum and has a new theory of Pokemon economics. Poke-Apps are dumb. Perfect use for Pokemon calculator: Call up Pokemon in the grass. Saw the Mythbusters episode that made Psi Phi news: They were trying to make diamonds from coal.
Com Officer: Probably failed the chem test; her own fault. Watched an awesome movie that made her and Adam decide that they will only marry someone they MIGHT drink drugged coffee for.
Grand Nagus: Story time. Has been wasting time doing a whole lot of nothing. Been infected with the DS emulator. Woke up at 6:30pm tonight. Post-Apocalyptic Pokemon was probably his idea. Jon made Jack remember two stories. Jack used to beat catfish in the head with shovels. They would still be flopping around after 5 hours. Jack hates Swords Hall. He’s actually screaming now. Had pretend quickcash for a while and now has negative balance on his quickcash. More yelling. Actual yelling. Flipping over a table.
First Officer: Knows a girl without a filter. The girl accused her of being half an alien. Didn’t realize that was an offensive thing.
Captain: Playing Pokemon as well. Having a really good time in Japanese history class and learned two lessons: 1) The Japanese are human, 2) Make sure you win the war. Yelling at Fluffy: GET OFF HIS [item deleted for security reasons] CD KEY. It’s his. He paid $40 for it.

Old Business: Zombie-fest is on the way. Jon is still an officer.
New Business: None.

Other Organizations
Anime: Stuff. Adam is betraying Forrest.
MCS: Jack will be remembering the best lamb in town.
Theater: Stuff. Death Trap opens tomorrow.
Other: BPA on Thursday at 8:30pm.
Sunday 3pm, Bradley Concert Band, is playing musics. Band afterwards is playing all five symphonies from the Lord of the Rings.

Meeting End: 10:47 PM 4/22/2009 and Mike is in white.

Anti-Mike: Star Wars: The High School Musical.

Anti-Mike: I’m selling a Dreamcast, out of the box, $99.
Forrest: I don’t want to buy your Dreamcast. I could buy a new one! Fuck you~

Forrest: That’s the news and I’m not going to fall out of my chair.

Adam: We gained a real new person.
Ashley: Erich signed the log book too.
Adam: He’s a fantasy new person.

Adam: That’s the reason he didn’t want you to wear polyester in the Bible; you’d kill off all the sasquach.

Anti-Mike: We walked in and he was very surprised.
Jack: You weren’t the people you were supposed to be.

Jack: I have trivia?
Adam: You named a character off of Collier’s shirt.
Jack: Oh! Right! That was dumb.

Jack: In Gargoyles… because I don’t know about anything else!

Forrest: More money in my pants is a good thing.

Anti-Mike: As I am Psi Phi’s Amazon representative, I will answer your question with another question.

Adam: Hey! Mike gets to hang out with me. Hi Mike!

Abby: I need more Pokemon in my life.

Fluffy: Red was better.
Alex: It’s the same game! One just has different Pokemon.
Jon: Both have different Pokemon.
Anti-Mike: No. Just one of those games has different Pokemon. Figure that out!

Forrest: They’re not pancakes. They’re little things you stick in peoples mouths and they’re made of berries!

Jon: You evolve the Pokemon bigger so you can harvest them for food.

Jack: I’m going to save the rest of this for discussion, because Uncle Jack is out of stories.

Jack: If I came up to you and told you that I lost $20, and could I have some. And you asked why. And I said, The money needs to come from somewhere. And I would be fine with you punching me. Very hard.

Lauren: How did you feel being called an alien?
Sarah: I was pretty fine with it. Aliens are pretty cool.
Anti-Mike: Nice cover for the alien.
Sarah: If I actually was an alien, I could probably kill you and that would be all right!

Adam: Your turn.
Sarah: I know. I’m taking a moment of silence… after that.

Forrest: You bastard. How dare you make him feel relevant.
Adam: I include people. Yay.

Alex: Look, I can do it backwards.
Jon: I think that’s upside-down.

A-Mike: It’ll be interactive since I can throw things at you when you’re stupid.

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