Minutes for 24 February 2010

Attendance: 15

Meeting Start: 10 and sevens.

Meeting End: 10:49 and far far too late.



Recruitment and Relations: Elly’s here. Forrest motions to ban this since she’s here more often than most people. Erik seconds. Motion passed.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: “Orca”
Things I Learned From This Movie
- Killer whales are are the marine equivalent of Irish constables.
- Aquatic mammals are filled with helium. This also explains why their voices are so high.

Trivia: Bill again: In the RoboCop series, OCP is an acronym for what?
Answer: Omni Consumer Products. No one got it again. Bill still has trivia.

Fundraising: Forrest has been basically funding this club. If we get two more things this month, our kickback goes up to 6%.

Party: none

Discussion Group: I think this got skipped because of everyone going OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!

No Report: In Heavy Rain, the character has gone through Saw-equivalent tasks.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Had a bad day, not sure why. Thought she had a migraine but that didn’t work. Worked on the website– added a club info section including officer information, Constitution and bylaws, and some other ideas.

Constable: He’s actually here! Scintillating at the moment. Earlier he decided it was a good thing that he found himself stone drunk sitting in his room dressed as a pirate. Found a new rum called the Crakin, it is black as the night and 94 proof. But he felt like he was cheating on the Captain, so he tried mixing them. It didn’t work. Should have foreseen that a pirate and a sea monster would not get along well. Going to get belligerently drunk this weekend and have Jedi fights. Having a fantastic time. Bappable offense of the week is

Com Officer: Crazy week. Had a good birthday, with an awkward moment when her dad told her that her grandma took her camera home instead of her purse, which still had dirty pictures on it. Bad part of the week, Phil’s grandma passed away on Monday.

Grand Nagus: Hasn’t done anything remotely interesting this week. Wants to prolong the semester. Running for student senate secretary!

First Officer: It was long, at the very least [Phil: That's what she said]. Lots of rehearsals, flute lesson this morning, and she had to play Bach on the spot with an accompanist.

Captain: Busywork this week. Seems to be what freshmen do. Doesn’t really have a report.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Anybody want to see The Crazies on Friday?

Other Organizations


Forrest: AHEM. *slams door*

Phil: Hookers in a spitoon.
Ashley: AKA Adam’s girlfriend.

Phil: Are you into getting choked?
Adam: No.

Fluffy: The bappable offense could be having mutton chops

Elly: I’m going to start using the hammer.
Phil: Use the claw. Just go for my shins, I’ll shut up faster.
Elly: I doubt it. I really do.

Phil: Once you’re finished with the Bach it’ll go back into the flute and you have to start over.
Rachel: No, it’s like words. Once it’s out there, it out there.
Elly: Yeah, Phil, you should be familiar with that concept.

Jon: Quick! We must bring Bach to the future!

Alex: Dead like doornail that I brought to life with the power of..
Adam: Christ.

Erik: I think it’s safe to say that Gin does not mix well with any medication.
Phil: Valium.

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