Minutes for 29 September 2010

Attendance: 27

Meeting Start: 10ish

Meeting End: OOOHOHohuhUHuhUHUH



Recruitment and Relations: Forrest is here!!!

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: Urban Warrior (“I think it’s French” -Adam)
Things I Learned from This Movie:
- Nuclear war and volcanic activity are both reasonable excuses to miss a dinner date.
- Drinking and driving is no big deal after the apocalypse.
- Chili and beer makes women horny.

Trivia: Bill: Who is Prince Adam’s sister? Princess Adora. Forrest got it, he will have to do it from Rhode Island.

Fundraising: I’m sure we’ve made money, but I haven’t checked in a while. Next week we will vote on craziest item.

Party: Zombiefest is BYOF and costume! October 30 in Baker B54 from 11 to 11.

Tshirt Committee: They will be ordered this

Discussion Group: Will be decided on later.

No Report: Forrest: I missed it!!! :(

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Learned to dance the blues. Had a sim lab instead of going to the hospital on Monday. Usually it involves walking in and having to save a dying person’s life.

Constable: Someone get him a drink. Had an exhausting day, but it ended in him getting someone fired. Works for Bradley’s news program, and his job is to eat food and film people. The guy who organizes interviews was a jerk and flaky and keeps screwing up this one interview for a whole week.

Com Officer: Novice teacher told her to apply for her job since she’s leaving next year! Pretty exciting!

Grand Nagus: Wearing her grenade shirt! Got into grad school at University of Virginia!! Her school of choice! :D

First Officer: Been avoiding her floor like the plague… literally! They’re all sick. Got to be a ninja last night.

Captain: Had an organic chemistry test. Doesn’t have colon cancer. Don’t take BIO 250.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

Happy Birthday Sasha!!

Other Organizations

Dance Party on Saturday! Garrett Center. It’s for the Intergalactic Journal.
Nerf Commandos 10pm Tues and Thurs in Markin.
MCS on Friday in Student Center Cafeteria at 5pm.
If anyone wants to go see Rocky Horror Picture Show, contact Phil.


Phil: I think I should organize a Rocky Horror Picture Show thing…
Elly: He’s just dying to wear lingerie again.
Adam: Oh yeah. We should invite his ex-girlfriend.

Phil: Jon, how much are normal fleshlights?
Jon: Fuck if I know!

Phil: It’s only 9 inches deep. That’s not…. (YES he was referring to what you’re thinking right now)

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