Attendance: 22
Meeting Start: 10:01 and I don’t want to shotgun any grape drink
Meeting End: 10:39
Recruitment and Relations: Lots of people today!
Office Resource: The office is still there.
Movie: The Asphyx
Things I Learned from This Movie:
- The Grim Reaper is a variety of moth.
- Guinea pigs cause insomnia.
- The only downsides to electrocution are that you wet yourself and smell like burnt hair for three days.
Trivia: …Forrest. Bill took it: Who rules the wasteland? Answer: the humungous. No one got it.
Fundraising: blah.
Party: Room is still reserved…
Tshirt Committee: Tshirts have been ordered!
Discussion Group:
No Report: Sasha: Her floor had a tea party. Her RA is now obsessed with WOW.
Officers Reports
Chief of Operations: Went dancing, played a lot of CIV 5.
Constable: Finished Avatar. Got the new Guitar Hero, it’s very good. Beat the game, but the game told him that he didn’t beat it well enough and had to try again. He was sad. But the guitar charges up and fires a laser at a robot. The new Left 4 Dead came out this weekend.
Com Officer: Novice teaching is still going well
Grand Nagus: Took a shitty test today. Has a German test tomorrow.
First Officer: Been stuck in her room doing work and playing the Legend of Zelda. Her CIV teacher made a Star Trek reference.
Captain: Has to come back from fall break early because he’s a Bradley Star and has to give tours at 9:20am on Monday. Has not swept his room yet. Somehow this is newsworthy.
Old Business
Zombiefest is on the way.
New Business
Other Organizations
Go to Nerf Commandos.
Adam will be at MCS!
SBAM team over fall break. Contact Joel for more info.
Phil: We’re a charismatic bunch. We just attract the same people every week. Like a well-worn prostitute.
Phil: If you’re going to evangelize Psi Phi just do it in a good way.
Erik: So don’t tell them we talk about dicks a lot.
Phil: We do talk about dicks a lot.
Phil: Katy Perry, raided by monkeys.
Bill: They heard her songs. Oh, no wait, they were the ones writing them.
Jon: I have something else related.
Erik: Is it about alcohol?
Phil: Or dicks?
Elly: Your two favorite topics.
Erik: Penises and liquor.
Erik: (after bopping Phil several times) Now I’m right.
Emily sent a messenger to ask if we wanted to play flag football. The sarcasm was so thick that Phil cut through it.
Erik: It sure is nice to scorn the needy.
Jon: We do that a lot in Psi Phi.
Adam: We help the economy. It’s trickle-down.
Joel: (borrowed bopper and hit Adam) That’s what you get for invoking Reagan, bitch.
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