Monthly Archive for October, 2009

Minutes for October 28, 2009

Attendance: 16 and a brain and a Magikarp

Meeting Start: 10:01 PM and 15 timestreams out of my chest

Meeting End: 10:40 and a scary rabbit costume later



Recruitment and Relations: Elly’s here. In a sweet costume. Goes by Elwood today.

Office Resource: The office is still there.

Movie: The bad movie of the week is Them Damn Zombies. Rednecks fighting zombies. Hard to tell difference between furniture commercial and zombie attack? Went to go see the Vampire’s Assistant–wasn’t a kid vampire movie, or adult vampire movie… so was instead awkward teen vampire movie.

Trivia: Erik has trivia. How does Chewbacca die? Forrest wins:  A moon landed on him.

Fundraising: New items… they’re all really depressing. Buy weirder things!

Party: A mild success. Forrest is eating the cost of vegetable pizza. Taking donations for the actual party.

Discussion Group: Something about keebler elves and mining.

No Report: Elly was discussing genres of sci-fi in class. Items are not really possible? No seatbelts on the Enterprise. Proved awesome amount of geekiness by correcting teacher on the idea that ship was not exactly moving.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: New website and you’ll be able to sign up for it! Use the shoutbox. Picked up Scribblenauts a couple hours ago. Summoned box, cat, and radioactive isotopes. Cat got sick. Got Bioterrorist Badge for it.

Constable: AWOL.

Com Officer: Dr. S ran into the doorframe out of sheer excitement and proclaimed that it was okay because it was part of the demolition. Could pretty much hear the WHEE as he ran off.

Grand Nagus: AWOL.

First Officer: Saw Paranormal Activity (WITHOUT US). Recorded himself sleeping because he has been scaring his roommate by talking in his sleep.

Captain: Everything decided to happen Tuesday this week. Windows 7 upgrade came in and he upgraded from the beta. League of Legends premiered. One of the three last Wheel of Time books is out now–written directly from his notes and it weighs two pounds. Saw Donnie Darko for the first time.

Old Business

  • Found back-up of old mailing list from last year.
  • Jon needs to doublecheck for zombiefest.
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show last call for tickets tomorrow afternoon. $15.

New Business


Other Organizations

  • Pinocchio with House Theater opening next weekend.
  • During MCS, Forrest will be running one-shot adventure in Mouse Guard.
  • Every voting member of Nerf Commandos will email the man if he doesn’t do it, telling him to do his job.
  • BU Intergalactic Journal will print in December.
  • Humans vs. Zombies is still looking for people because they got pushed back a week


There are three people reciting the Team Rocket… uh manifesto. Constable is not here to bap them.

Forrest: Thankfully she is a restaurant–er, resident.

A-Mike: I missed one meeting~!
Phil: It’s like missing Helmsdeep!

Jon: It could have a different crust composition. It’s middle earth! Gandalf fell down to lower earth! It could smell like cinnamons for all we know.
Phil: Dwarves are allergic to cinnamon. That’s why they died.

A-Mike: The Balrog is the doorman for the tree.

Jon: We used your money to feed you guys, but you didn’t show up. I’m both impressed and sad.

Erik: We used to call that drawn and quartering. We now call that safety.

Phil: What’s a shoutbox?
Jon: The world’s slowest chatroom.

Erik: You can have ragnarok in anything if you try hard enough.

Minutes for October 21, 2009

Attendance: 17

Meeting Start: 9 and one minute and 15 seconds before ten

Meeting End: 10:47 after the anteater



Recruitment and Relations: Elly’s here. Our imaginary friends have not appeared.

Office Resource: Office is still there. A couple people believe that the office isn’t there.

Movie: The bad movie is: My Demon Lover. Went to go see Where the Wild Things Are.

Trivia: Phil has it. What level does Pidgeoto develop into Pidgeott? Erik answers 36.

Fundraising: No fundraising report.

Party: We’re actually having a reunion. People may be showing up. The reunion is THIS FRIDAY, the 23rd, 7pm in Geisert cafeteria. On Saturday, there will be reunion part 2. Harper/Wycoff playroom or some cafeteria. Jon has volunteered to take over since Forrest is not going to be there. Looking for snacks.

Discussion Group: Stuff happened. New topic: If you were a superhero, what would your secret identity be?

No Report: Fluffy had a Monty Cristo for the first time.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Actually worked on the website. Inconsistent grading. Asked about it and got an A. Knows how to pass this class now.

Constable: Week sucked. Got sick. Played football and hurt his ankle trying not to crush another player. Hasn’t attended class in a week.

Com Officer: Teacher came to class very angry and scared everyone. Answered a question wrong and got the worst glare ever. At dinner later, the teacher asked if he scared everyone. The next day, at Kelty’s class, he stated that he scared yesterday’s class and would try not to scare them instead.

Grand Nagus: Listened to a group of people “debate” condoms. Voting on naming a condom amendment. To get condoms, a student must sign up and go to classes and get them from a Heat member.

First Officer: Wrote a paper on Sunday and drank a gallon of diet pepsi and thought he was going to die.

Captain: Tomorrow has a test, speech. Friday has an extra rehersal. Saturday has a concert. Right now, regular nuclear reactors release only 1% of energy–hundreds of years of energy. Breeder reactors release 90% of energy. And can use Thorium. Hundreds of thousands of years of energy. Produces medicine, water vapor, and things with only 30-year half-life.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on Halloween. Put in application for B51 and will be doublechecked. 11am to 11pm.

New Business

The new mailing list will be bupsiphi [at] gmail [dot] com. Send an email to it to make sure you’re on the email list.

Other Organizations

  • MCS: Friday at 5pm.
  • Humans vs. Zombies on campus.


Phil: 12!
Adam: …14.
Phil: Damn!

Erik: Wait. Is the demon pro-life or pro-choice?

Erik: And I forsee large chunks of concrete falling on the suburbs of Moscow.
Jon: Hey, now! Russia has a long and spotless record of safety checks.

Erik: I have a feeling that most stuff is a dude talking about stuff.
(A-Mike: Sometimes it’s a dude doing stuff.)
Adam: Hey, now! Sometimes it’s a woman talking about stuff.
(A-Mike: Sometimes it’s a woman doing stuff. Not as often as we want.)

Alex: Vagina dentada!

Elly: My heart didn’t stop beating the whole time!
Phil: …That’s a good thing your heart didn’t stop beating.

Fluffy: It had ham and–
Phil: Aren’t you Jewish?
Fluffy: So?
Jon: It’s okay! He didn’t tip!

Phil: Did you tip?
A-Mike: Yes!
Forrest: Then you’re not a Jew.

A-Mike: Oh good.
Ashley: We’ve gone from the Jew-bashing to the gay-bashing.
Adam: Now for the gay Jew bashing.

Phil: Watch British c-span.
A-Mike: Oh god, yes. Student senate should be modeled after Parliament.

A-Mike: All it’s going to do is raise hopes. Oh, I’ll just take a condom ’cause I’m getting lucky tonight!

Erik: Why do they still have Siberia!
Ashley: Because they need somewhere to put the people Putin doesn’t like.

Phil: With all the diet coke, our babies already glow green.

Fluffy has taken out three chairs and two tables. Forrest: Hail Fluffy. Full of fail!

Minutes for October 14, 2009

Attendance: 15

Meeting Start: 10:06 and three room changes later

Meeting End: 10:47 and six dead baby jokes later



Recruitment and Relations: There’s an actual new person: Heather!

Office Resource: Office is still there.

Movie: Bad movie is Uncle Sam? Going to go see Where the Wild Things Are on Friday. Meet outside student center at 8:30 to go to Nova–the cheap theater.

Trivia: Fluffy still has trivia. In the Matrix, which pill leads down the rabbit hole? Phil wins by shouting colors until he picks the right one.

Fundraising: Mike’s internet connection fails.

Party: We’re apparently going to have a reunion even though it was canceled or something? Friday, 10/23rd in the Geisert cafeteria for dinner.

Discussion Group: Yoda vs. Neo? Matrix vs. Force?

No Report: Jon has a no-report. Has had an awesome 7-day weekend because he doesn’t have class Wed or Friday. Twilight Imperium on Friday, worked on independent film and LAN’d on Saturday, worked on independent film on Sunday, Twilight Imperium on Monday, Springfield run because of Man vs. Food and awesome Best Buy on Tuesday, did Psi Phi news while playing Brutal Legend and thinkgeek stuff on Wed.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: Superceded by Agent Clucks. Picked up a chicken playing Crisis to complete delta difficulty.

Constable: Showed up. Hung out with Kelty for two days, played LOL until 6am. Frantically made books. Made cooked books.

Com Officer: Did Shackathon. This was actually really awesome because drunken psychology majors are hilarious, especially when talking about action potentials and the neuroprotective properties of nicotine at 2am.

Grand Nagus: Donate please~ Had a good Fall break, was going good until international business “Which sounds like it should be sort of cool, but it’s not.” Doha is in Katar, not UAE, which teacher got wrong. She felt like walking out of class.

First Officer: Accidentally slept in until 3pm on Tuesday. Had a dream about typing on a typewriter for eternity, but the ribbon tape kept breaking. Had another dream about being in WI in sandstone cave with a beast that eat people with umbrellas and math teacher wanted to buy a computer book his uncle wrote.

Captain: Almost won Twilight Imperium, but got attacked by three people due to Jon’s gunrunning. Did simulation for maternity practicum and actually had to do things. The uterus was sitting separate from the mannequin–the male-gential models with an awesome wig.

Old Business

Zombiefest is on the way.

New Business

  • We’re in a different room.
  • Phil is lying about being covered in chocolate sauce.

Other Organizations

  • MCS: Friday at 5pm.
  • Nerf is sort of suspended–inflatable barriers have not yet been acquired.
  • History group is Apples to Apples-ing while dressed up as a favorite history character.


Phil: And in other news today, I found the cubed root of infinity.

Alex: Remember when Pan’s Labyrinth came out and everyone was like… it’s a fairy tale!
A-Mike: It was a fairy tale. An OLD fairy tale.

Phil: She’s in the knitting club.
Heather: And in choir.
Ashley: Oh… you get him lots of time.
Adam: We’re sorry. We only get him some of the time.

Ashley: Fluffy answered his own question last time.
Adam: He answered before I could.
Fluffy: I didn’t hear anyone.
Adam: I’m still going to make fun of you.

Phil: Did you beat it?
A-Mike: …No, because chickens don’t stealth.

Phil: You have to kill a goat.
Jon: At least the goat prefers you do.

A-Mike: Like a refridgerator.
Phil: For people.

Adam: I was going to check the uterus, but then he said, “Wait, hold on. The uterus is over there.”

Minutes for October 7, 2009

Attendance: 18 (and 37 thetans)

Meeting Start: 10:00 and 15 pieces of shrapnel later

Meeting End: 10:25 and I’m gonna go eat



Recruitment and Relations: Ashley brought her imaginary friend. Elly is also here. Erik brought John and Chris?

Office Resource: The office is still there. Bought Twilight Emperium, Tsuro, and Apples to Apples. Apples to Apples is gone for the night.

Movie: Zombieland was absolutely amazing. Bad movie is Attack of the Mushroom People.

Trivia: Fluffy has trivia. Which Mel Brooks movie was Patrick Stewart in? Fluffy still has trivia. Maybe. We have no idea what’s going on.

Fundraising: AWOL.

Party: Are we not having the reunion?

Discussion Group: Will be going to Steak and Shake.

No Report: Erik found a necklace that’s a bottle cap with a smiley face.

Officers Reports

Chief of Operations: AWOL.

Constable: AWOL.

Com Officer: Took a scientologist stress test. Figured out how to manipulate the test. Also living with psychology club in a shack.

Grand Nagus: Planning on stealing the money because there’s so little.

First Officer: Went to Panera Beard and got sourdough.

Captain: Doesn’t care.

Old Business

  • Zombiefest is on the way.
  • Rocky Horror ticket sign-ups are still on the door.

New Business


Other Organizations



Jon: You just put 4chan in my news! GTFO.

Phil: I mean… these people stalk. There’s nothing wrong with it.

Erik: Do you remember what happened the last time the British tried to repress the Irish? William Wallace, bitch!
Chris: You still lost.

Phil: Why are you not wearing shoes?
Chris: Why are you wearing glasses?

Chris: What happened to the guy that sits there? Did he graduate?
Adam: No, he’s just a loser.
Jon: I even owe him money and he didn’t even show up.